Category: College Flag Football


Colleges and Universities Sports Association of Ireland Flag Football College Championship 2009-10

Colleges and Universities Sports Association of Ireland Logo [Ref: 1]


University of Limerick Vikings 1Dublin City University Saints 1
University of Limerick Vikings 2Dublin City University Saints 2
University of Limerick Vikings 3Dublin City University Saints 3
University College Dublin 1Trinity College Dublin 1
University College Dublin 2Trinity College Dublin 2
University College Dublin 3Trinity College Dublin 3
Irish Flag Football Association College Championship Teams 2009-10 [Ref: 2]


FinalUniversity of Limerick
20.11.2009Dublin City University SaintsWUniversity of Limerick VikingsL
Irish Flag Football Association College Championship Final 2009-10 [Ref: 2]


The inagural American Football College Championship took place on 20 November 2009. as well as the kitted (contact) Championship, there was a Flag Football Championship, with each of the four Colleges (UL, DCU, UCD and TCD) entering three teams.

The Final was between a Dublin City university team and a University of Limerick team, and in a nail-biter, the DCU team won with a last-second touchdown. [Ref: 2]



[1] Wikipedia (2020) CUSAI Logo [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 12 April 2020]

Internet Archive

[2] UL Vikings | Wayback Machine (2010) Vikings win inaugural College Bowl [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 31 October 2017]


Thanks to Irene Carroll and Margaret Williams.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 16 May 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

Irish Collegiate American Football Association Flag Football Summer Bowl 1993

Final Table

*Marauding Fungi321041124
College All-Stars311143323
Marlay Pirates311112233
Marlay Raiders312020492

Compiled from: [1]


DateHome Team Away Team 
25.07.93College All-Stars6Marlay Pirates6
25.07.93Marauding Fungi18Marlay Raiders0
25.07.93College All-Stars31Marlay Raiders7
25.07.93Marlay Pirates6Marauding Fungi4
25.07.93Marauding Fungi19College All-Stars6
25.07.93Marlay Raiders13Marlay Pirates0

Results:[1] Date: [2]



Summer Bowl 1993 – 25 July 1993 – Marlay Park, Dublin Marauding Fungi, a Flag Football off-shoot of the Dublin Tornadoes American Football Team, won the Irish Collegiate American Football Association Summer Bowl, which was organised by College All-Stars. The Fungi were well-deserved winners despite losing one match to the Marlay Pirates. Players didn’t have to be enrolled in College, though all teams were College-related. [1] [2][3]




[1] Anon (1993) *The newly-formed Irish Collegiate American Football Association. First Down. August 14 1993, pg. 20

[2] Naughton, L. (1993) Flag Football Evening Herald Thursday, July 29, 1993. pg. 73 (Sport 1).

[3] Naughton, L. (1993) What’s On: Flag Football Evening Herald Thursday, July 22, 1993. pg.92 .


p>Thanks to Cillian Smith, Irish Collegiate American Football Association and Irish American Football Association. Also thanks to Rose McCabe, Gabriel McCloyne, Peter Lemass, Ciaran Simms, Ann Hanley, Gerry Tully, Paul Leech, Paul Foley, Cathal Gallagher, Naomi Harte & Yvonne Brady.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish American Football Archive

Last Updated: 10 May 2019

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.