Within Europe GAA, there are two Countries / Regions where the Gaelic Football is played entirely by Natives in small towns and villages like in Ireland: Brittany (NW France) and Galicia (NW Iberia – Spain/Portugal). These two Celtic Countries both have Men’s and Women’s Leagues played on a weekly basis, rather than in tournaments like in the other World Games Counties.
Galician Gaelic Football League –
Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico
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AGFG – Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico Men’s Division 1
Galicia GAA Galician Gaelic Football League Men’s Division 1 2013-2019
AGFG – Liga Galega de Fútbol Gaélico Men’s Division 2
Galicia GAA Galician Gaelic Football League Men’s Division 2 2015-2017
Picture Credit: [2] Asociacion Galega de Futbol Gaelico – Blogspot (2017) Asociacion Galega de Futbol Gaelico Logo [Internet] Available from: https://eirball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/73e5b-repolo.png [Accessed 27 August 2017]