This is the Eirball Index Page to the All-Time Results and Standings of the Basketball Ireland National Leagues. First founded in 1973-74 after 27 years of the Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland All-Ireland Club and County Championshps, the National Basketball Leagues have two tiers in both Men’s and Women’s Basketball.
Header Picture Credit: [1] Folan, John | Irish Basketball Memories of the 80s And 90s Facebook Group (2020) Post to Page, January 27, 2020″Fantastic team loved going to see them play” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 25 March 2020][Adjusted]

NBL Men’s Super League
BBI Men’s Super League 2003-Present; IBA Men’s Super League 1993-2003; IBBA Men’s Division 1 1979-1993; ABAI Men’s Division 1 1973-1979
The Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland was formed in 1947. After 25 years of All-Ireland Championships based on a Club & County basis like in the GAA, the ABAI created the first National Basketball League based on clubs in 1972-73.
In 1979-80 St. Vincent’s Killarney brought in two paid American Imports, contrary to the rules of the ABAI, but after taking no action against them for most of the season, they relented having seen how many fans it was bringing in, and allowed paid imports, changing the name of the Association to the Irish Basketball Association to reflect this. This era, from 1980-1991 is regarded by many in Irish Basketball as its “Golden Era”.
National Basketball League Men’s Level 1 Standings
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland | National League | Division 1 1975-1979
Irish Basketball Association National Basketball League Men’s Division 1 1979-1991
Irish Basketball Association Budweiser Men’s National League 1991-1993
Irish Basketball Association | Men’s Super League 1993-2003
Basketball Ireland | National League | Men’s Super League 2003-2013
Basketball Ireland | National League | Men’s Premier League 2013-2016
Basketball Ireland | National League | Men’s Super League 2016-2019
National Basketball League Men’s Level 1 Results
BI NL Men’s Super League 2016-2020:
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
BI NL Men’s Premier League 2013-2016:
IBA NL Men’s Super League (Seasons):
1997-98 1996-97 1995-96 1994-95 1993-94
IBA Men’s Budweiser NBL (Seasons): 1992-93 1991-92
IBA NBL Men’s Division 1 1979-1991 (Seasons): 1990-91
Picture Credit: Picture Credit: [2] Basketball Ireland Men’s Premier League Basketball Series Ticket – National Basketball Arena -October – January 1994 -Photo Credit: Enda Mulcahy – Author’s Personal Collection

NBL Women’s Super League
BBI Women’s Super League 2003-Present; IBA Women’s Super League 1997-2003; IBBA Women’s Division 1 1979-1997
The first Ladies National Basketball League was also formed around this time in the late-1970s. After a few seasons both Men’s and Ladies added a second division. In 1991, the Ladies League also got a slight name-change to the Women’s National Basketball League and in 1997 Divisions 1 & 2 were merged into one Super League. Below the Super League was a Women’s Regional League, playing 2-3 games a weekend for each team in the one venue.
National Basketball League Women’s Level 1 Standings
Irish Basketball Association Ladies National Basketball League 1979-1991
Irish Basketball Association | Women’s National League Division 1 1991-1997
Irish Basketball Association | Women’s Super League 1997-2003
Basketball Ireland | National League | Women’s Super League 2003-2013
Basketball Ireland | National League | Women’s Premier League 2013-2016
Basketball Ireland | National League | Women’s Super League 2016-2019
National Basketball League Women’s Level 1 Results
BBI NL Women’s Super League 2016-present:
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
BI NL Women’s Premier League 2013-2016 (Seasons): 2015-16
IBA NBL Women’s Division 1 1991-1997 (Seasons): 1991-92
IBA NBL Ladies Division 1 1979-1991 (Seasons): 1990-91
Picture Credit: [3] Folan, John | Irish Basketball Memories of the 80s And 90s Facebook Group (2017) Post to Page, August 21, 2017“A TEAM I ALWAYS ADMIRED WATERFORD WILDCATS” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 25 March 2020][Adjusted]

NBL Men’s Division 1
BBI Men’s Division 1 2003-Present; IBA Men’s Division 1 1993-2003; IBBA Men’s Division 2 1979-1991; ABAI Men’s Division 1977-1979
In 1991 the Association merged the Men’s Divisions 1 & 2 into one National Basketball League, with two conferences: North & South. at the same time it reduced the number of paid American Imports from two to one, thinking the Irish playerscould make the step up. The fans lost interest, however, with just one American on the teams, and it is regarded as the end of the “Golden Era”. After two seasons under this format, the two division set-up was reinstated, with Divisions 1 & 2 now named the Super League & Division 1.
The Irish Basketball Association was rebranded in 2003 as Basketball Ireland, and the two Conference (North & South) model was again reintroduced, although the two Division (2 levels) set-up was retained. The Women’s 2nd Level was reinstated at this time also, although the Women’s Divisions never had North & South Conferences.
In 2013 the Super League underwent a name-change to the Premier League, as a drastic attempt was made to fix the National Leagues and the massive debt Basketball Ireland had built up. In 2016 the Super League brand made a comeback and by 2019 it was stated on the Basketball Ireland website that the €1.4 Million debt was paid off.
National Basketball League Men’s Level 2 Standings
Amateur Basketball Association of Ireland | National League | Division 2 1977-1979
Irish Basketball Association | National Basketball League | Men’s Division 2 1979-1991
Irish Basketball Association | National Basketball League | Men’s Division 1 1993-2003
Basketball Ireland | National League | Men’s Division 1 2003-2013
Basketball Ireland | National League | Men’s Division 1 2013-2019
National Basketball League Men’s Level 2 Results
BBI NL Men’s Division 1 2013-2020:
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Picture Credit: Irish Basketball Association Budweiser Basketball League Final Ticket – National Basketball Arena – 26th March 1994 [Photo Credit: Enda Mulcahy – Author’s Personal Collection

BBI Women’s Division 1
BBI Women’s Division 1 2003-Present; IBA Women’s Regional League 1997-2003; IBBA Women’s Division 2 1991-1997; IBBA Ladies Division 2 1982-1991
The Irish Basketball Association was rebranded in 2003 as Basketball Ireland, and the two Conference (North & South) model was again reintroduced, although the two Division (2 levels) set-up was retained. The Women’s 2nd Level was reinstated at this time also, although the Women’s Divisions never had North & South Conferences.
In 2013 the Super League underwent a name-change to the Premier League, as a drastic attempt was made to fix the National Leagues and the massive debt Basketball Ireland had built up. In 2016 the Super League brand made a comeback and by 2019 it was stated on the Basketball Ireland website that the €1.4 Million debt was paid off.
National Basketball League Women’s Level 2 Standings
Irish Basketball Association | National Basketball League | Ladies Division 2 1982-1991
Irish Basketball Association | National League | Women’s Division 2 1991-1997
Basketball Ireland | National League | Women’s Division 1 2003-2013
Basketball Ireland | National League | Women’s Division 1 2013-2019
National Basketball League Women’s Level 2 Results
BBI NL Women’s Division 1 2013-2020:
2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
IBA NBL Women’s Division 2 1991-1997 (Seasons): 1991-92
IBBA NBL Ladies Division 2 1979-1991 (Seasons): 1990-91
Picture Credit: [5] Redmond, Lori | Irish Basketball Memories of the 80s And 90s Facebook Group (2017) Post to Page, September 2, 2017″Name that team????” [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 25 March 2020]