Year | Champions |
1981 | Águilas Blancas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1982 | Águilas Blancas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1983 | Cóndores UNAM |
1984 | Cóndores UNAM |
1985 | Cóndores UNAM |
1986 | Cóndores UNAM |
1987 | Osos Acatlán UNAM |
1988 | Águilas Blancas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1989 | Pieles Rojas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1990 | Cóndores UNAM |
1991 | Cóndores UNAM |
1992 | Águilas Blancas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) |
1993 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
1994 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
1995 | Aztecas UDLAP (Puebla) |
1996 | Aztecas UDLAP (Puebla) |
1997 | Aztecas UDLAP (Puebla) |
1998 | Lobos UAdeC (Coahuila) |
1999 | N/A |
2000 | Borregos Salvajes CEM-ITESM |
2001 | N/A |
2002 | N/A |
2003 | Borregos Salvajes CEM-ITESM (Estado de Mexico) |
2004 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
2005 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
2006 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
2007 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM |
2008 | Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM / Pumas CU UNAM |
The ONEFA Mexican College Football Championship changed in 1981 to create a Metropolitan “Big 10” (Centre) and “National” (North and South) Conferences, with the National being the Ascenso or Promotion Conference and the Big 10 being the Major League.
The Águilas Blancas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute) won four Championships between 1981 and 2008, after which three equal Conferences were created. Cóndores UNAM won six Championhips over this period, Borregos Salvajes Monterrey ITESM seven Championships, Aztecas UDLAP (Puebla) three and Borregos Salvajes CEM-ITESM (EdoMex) once.
Three Colleges won the title once: Lobos UAdeC (Coahuila) from the National Conference (the only winner from that Conference), Pieles Rojas IPN (National Polytechnic Institute), and Osos Acatlán UNAM where the Irish Institute is based in Naucalpan.
The ONEFA College Football Championship is one of the highlights of the Mexican American Football season, and was considered the National Championship from 1933 until recently. There was a single Championship from 1930 to 1981 when it was split into two Championships: Metropolitan (for the National Championship) and National (for Promotion/Ascent).
The Metropolitan Championship was renamed Big 10 in 1990 and Big 12 in 2004. In 2009 the Colleges agreed to merge the two Conferences into one, with two groups, each with its own Champion. In turn the “Centre” Conference would have two groups A & B each with its own Champion. The Conferences were realigned into “Centre”, “North” and “South”, each with its own Champion.
In 2012 a further restructuring took place, with ONEFA restoring the “Big 8”, mainly with teams from the Centre and the “National” with teams mainly from the North and South. In 2009 the ITESM Tech Colleges left to form their own College Football Organisation: CONADEIP.
[1] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]
[2] ONEFA (2020) Historia [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/historia [Accessed 20 September 2020]
Thanks to Francesco
About this document
Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the
Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive
Last Updated: 20 September 2020
(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.