Tag: American Football Ireland

American Football Ireland Map 1984-2022

Map of American Football Ireland Teams 1984-2022

Vector Contributor: Rainer Lesniewski / Shutterstock (2022) Stock Vector ID: 1665171421 administrative map of Ireland and Northern Ireland [Internet] Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/administrative-map-ireland-northern-1665171421 [Accessed 10 June 2022][Overlaid with Irish American Football Team Logos by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie][10 June 2022]

Note: Some Teams not Shown in Map Above due to Logo and Colours not being available.

Irish and Irish-based American Football Teams 1942-2022

European Theater of Operations Football Championship (1942-1944), All-American Festival (1983), American Football Association of Ireland (1984-1999), Irish American Football Association (2001-2019) and American Football Ireland (2021-Present)

AFI American Football Ireland Timeline 1942-2022

1Hale Blue Devils1942ETO
1Tech Fighting Irish1942ETO
1Yarvard Crimson Tide1942ETO
4Army Wolverines1944ETO
4Navy Galloping Gaels1944ETO
111986-1995; 2003-2022AFAI, IAFA, AFI
14Carrickfergus / East Antrim Cougars1986-1989AFAI
15Aldergrove Hawks1987AFAI
17Bangor Buccaneers1987AFAI
24Bray Seahawks1989AFAI
25Dublin Pirates1990AFAI
27Brownlow Bandits1991AFAI
27Newtownabbey Warriors1991AFAI
311994-2022AFAI, IAFA, AFI
402000-2022IAFA, AFI
422001-2022IAFA, AFI
442002-2022IAFA, AFAI
472007-2022IAFA, AFI
502008-2022IAFA. AFI
502008-2022IAFA, AFI
542009-2022IAFA, AFI
55Institute of Technology Carlow Chargers2010IAFA
582011-2022IAFA, AFI
602012-2022IAFA, AFI
632014-2022IAFA, AFI
662015-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
712017-2022IAFA, AFI


From the Dublin Celts in 1984 to the Cill Dara Crusaders who were founded just before COVID-19 hit in 2019, there have been 66 Official Irish American Football League Teams including Junior Kitted and 8v8 Development League Teams. Including the European Theater of Operations Football Championship teams in Northern Ireland during WW2 and the two teams of specially-trained Rugby players who took part in the All-American Festival in Banbridge, Co. Down in 1983 there have a grand total of 73 teams based in Ireland. [References: 1-100]


[1] Dublin Celts American Football Team Facebook Page (2016) Photo by Joseph Greene August 28, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1421158977901127&set=gm.269427200117075&type=3&theater&ifg=1 [Accessed 3 July 2018]

[2] Dublin Dragons – IAFA (2018) Logo [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/dragons.jpg [Accessed 16 November 2018]

[3] Dublin Lightning (1999) Lightning Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20010614095221im_/http://www.geocities.com:80/Colosseum/Stadium/6662/lightninglogo.jpg [Accessed 4 July 2018]

[4] Irish American Football Association (2018) Dublin Rebels Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Dublin-Rebels-2.png [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[5] Dublin Tornadoes (1995) Timmy Tornado Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115063729im_/http://fiachra.ucd.ie:80/~alan/Icons/American/timmy.gif [Accessed 3 July 2018]

[6] North Dublin Marshals – Wayback Machine (2007) North Dublin Marshals Logo [Internet] Avaiilable from: http://web.archive.org/web/20060906220811im_/http://www.northdublinmarshals.com:80/image002.jpg [Accessed 3 August 2018]

[7] North Dublin Pirates (2019) North Dublin Pirates Logo [Internet] Avaiilable from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/NorthDublinPirates.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[8] South Dublin Panthers Facebook Page (2018) South Dublin Panthers Profile Picture https://www.facebook.com/southdublinpanthers/photos/a.345294775649262/906846089494125/?type=1&theater [Accessed 16 November 2018]

[9] Tallaght Outlaws – Wayback Machine (2007) Tallaght Outlaws – Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20070312123103im_/http://www.tallaghtoutlaws.com:80/forum/templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[10] Trinity College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) TCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/214800495197037/photos/1306609992682743/ [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[11] University College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) UCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/42217493_1698569130253365_7279433760959889408_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=7a5022628bcaee96b826121685dfb223&oe=5CC99467 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[12] West Dublin Rhinos | Twitter (2019) West Dublin Rhinos Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/834675830257229824/fw7mbNXR_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[13] Antrim Jets | Twitter (2019) Antrim Jets Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/863895806876798976/X–gwGlf_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[14] Irish American Football Association (2008) Belfast Bulls Logo [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/bullslogoX.jpg [Accessed 1 December 2018]

[13] Belfast Trojans | Facebook (2019) Belfast Trojans Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/396414_329765713737073_1023026931_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=61cbbd2dd06504291f7e7843703e7b1d&oe=5CB71144 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[16] Carrickfergus Knights – Vimeo (2018) Portrait [Internet] Available from: https://i.vimeocdn.com/portrait/482449_300x300 [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[17] Causeway Giants | Twitter (2019) Causeway Giants Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1053726473272680448/pF_Cb76b_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[18] Coleraine Chieftans (2002) Coleraine Chieftans: Chief Image [Internet] Available from: http://www.thecolerainechieftans.freeservers.com/images/chief.gif [Accessed 18 July 2018]

[19] Craigavon Cowboys – Twitter Account (2018) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/864100166680424448/TCauLbnj_400x400.jpg [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[20] Donegal Derry Vipers (2018) Donegal Derry Vipers Logo [Internet] Available from: http://ddvipers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DDVIPERS.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[21] International Police Association (2018) NI Razorbacks Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.ipa-uk.org/write/Images/Razorbacks_logo.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[22] Tyrone Fermanagh Titans | Facebook (2018) Tyrone Titans Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21557438_1594065800659297_3400819593502111960_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=a7d826672807573a79f7c8876c57df15&oe=5CCC26DA [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[23] Cill Dara Crusaders | Facebook (2018) Cill Dara Crusaders Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22154178_148372745771309_392433809994775255_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=3f80123bc5d863bbaf21c0d014ef795b&oe=5CFCA568 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[24] Drogheda Lightning (2011) Drogheda Lightning Logo [Internet] Available from: https://boltsinblue.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/final_crest_2.png?w=212&h=300 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[25] Irish American Football Association (2017) Louth Mavericks Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/helmet-decal-2.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[26] Irish American Football Association (2017) Meath Bulldogs Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Bulldogs.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[27] North Kildare Reapers Facebook Page (2016) North Kildare Reapers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1915656_601510396666670_1466765724774743782_n.png?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=9ce7704ef3f30893cf5253668ebb76c8&oe=5C98C46E [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[28] South Kildare Soldiers (2016) South Kildare Soldiers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Sz7Fd5-sSPM/maxresdefault.jpg [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[29] Bolts in Blue (2011) Tullamore Phoenix Logo [Internet] Available from: https://boltsinblue.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/tullamore-phoenix.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[30] Westmeath Minotaurs | Facebook (2015) Westmeath Minotaurs Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12065840_1078155085529890_2779932276034449252_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=3673d2a991ca4920aad2e85dc589c794&oe=5CC01F4B [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[31] Irish American Football Association (2018) Wexford Eagles Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Wexford-Eagles.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[32] Irish American Football Association (2017) Admirals Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Admirals-PNG-1.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[33] Irish American Football Association (2017) UL Vikings Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ULVikings-HI-RES-Logo.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[34] Waterford Wolves Twitter – Twitter Profile Image [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3322832460/9983db1ab02be8203c021435fd9cc127_400x400.png [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[35] Erris Rams Twitter – Twitter Profile Image [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/567881658/rsz_rsz_ramlogo_1_400x400.jpg [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[36] Irish American Football Association (2017) Galway Warriors Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Galway-Warriors.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[37] Belfast Blitzers | Facebook (2019) Belfast Blitzers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67510518_2229601940484282_4045526367226298368_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQl1RH5LGTyzP7JMEVoPCpPxclJUvZJLdfcQ4B410nJOwq86JZKgmCdGwLxt9Ohiu_LX86-8QPWKraapOFn6Q0ai&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=28e5b0bd6891c62c2b9a18b51ad283a1&oe=5DE33CA5 [Accessed 8 August 2019]

Yearly Results and Standings References


[5] (1988) “Ireland” American Football News. 18 August 1988. pg.

[6] (1988) “Shamrock Bowl report” American Football News. 29 September 1988. pg. 22

[1] Anon. (1992) “IRISH CHAMPION CELTS STUNG BY BULLDOG SPIRIT”First Down. July 11, 1992, pg. 17.

[7] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 2, 1992, pg. 65

[8] Anon. (1992) “Sad Celts are Torn to shreds”First Down. July 18, 1992, pg. 16.

[9] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Celts blown away”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 9, 1992, pg. 66

[10] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 16, 1992, pg. 69

[11] Anon. (1992) “Dublin Celts still winless”First Down. July 25, 1992, pg. 19.

[12] FD Reporter. (1992) “At last! It’s the Dub-win Celts!”First Down. August 15, 1992, pg. 17.

[13] Anon. (1992) “IRISH RESULTS”First Down. August 29, 1992, pg. 17.

[14] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Vikings ready to invade Tallaght”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 13, 1992, pg. 66

[15] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Tornadoes ko Vikings”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 20, 1992, pg. 61

[16] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 27, 1992, pg. 61

[17] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 3, 1992, pg. 94

[18] Anon. (1992) “Vikings Victory”Drogheda Independent. Friday, September 4, 1992, pg. 11

[19] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 10, 1992, pg. 70

[20] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Gridiron grief for Dubs!”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 17, 1992, pg. 76

[21] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, October 8, 1992, pg. Sport 7

[22] (1993) “Tornadoes Bowl Glory”, First Down, October 9, 1993, pg. 20

[23] Carrickfergus Knights (1994) Knights American Football Club Carrickfergus Shamrock Bowl Programme. Belfast. Aldine Print

[24] Anon. (1994) Dublin Clinch CrownFirst Down. 8 October1994. p. 22

[25] Anon. (1994) ScoreboardFirst Down. 16 July 1994. p. 19

[26] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 9 July 1994. p. 19

[27] Anon. (1994) Lurgan Blank Belfast. First Down. 9 July 1994. p. 20

[28] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 2 July 1994. p. 19

[29] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 18 June 1994. p. 19

[30] Anon. (1994) Full Round-Up of BAFA’s Divisions Two and Three. First Down. 7 May 1994. pg. 21

[31] Anon. (1994) Chicago Knights maintain challenge. Carrick Times. 6 June 1994. pg. 60

[32] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes hit!. Evening Herald. Thursday, 21 April 1994 . pg. 54

[33] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 5 May 1994 . pg. 91

[34] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 26 May 1994 . pg. 68

[35] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes turn up the power. Evening Herald. Thursday, 28 July 1994. pg. 55

[36] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 11 August 1994. pg. 44

[37] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes blow Knights away!. Evening Herald. Thursday, 25 August 1994. pg. 50

[38] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 22 September 1994. pg.78

[39] Naughton, L. (1994) US Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 29 September1994. pg.58

[40] Anon (1995) Tornadoes breeze past Carrickfergus to claim third straight Irish title. First Down. 7 October 1995, pg. 21.

[41] (1996) “US Football”, Evening Herald, Thursday, September 19, 1996, pg. 79


[1] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1986] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]

[2] Britball Now (2016) Bangor Buccaneers [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/History/Britball%20Teams/BangorBuccaneers.htm [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[3] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1987] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]

[7] Britball Now (2016) Historial League Tables [1989] [CGL] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/historical-league-tables-in/ [Accessed 27 February 2017]

[8] Irish American Football Association (2018) Shamrock Bowl History [Internet] Available from: hhttp://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-history/ [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[42] Dublin Tornadoes (1996) Irish American Football League 1995: The League Schedule ’95 / Results in ’95 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115060654/http://fiachra.ucd.ie/~alan/american_football.html#main_menu [Accessed 5 July 2017]

[43] Britball (2016) Shamrock Bowl Results www.britball.co.uk/history-index/ireland/shamrock-bowl-results-1986.html [Accessed 2 October 2016]

[44] Irish American Football Association (2018) Shamrock Bowl History [Internet] Available from: hhttp://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-history/ [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[46] Dublin Tornadoes (1996) Irish American Football League 1995: The League Schedule ’95 / Results in ’95 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115060654/http://fiachra.ucd.ie/~alan/american_football.html#main_menu [Accessed 5 July 2017]

[47] Dublin Tornadoes (1997) Shamrock Bowl [Internet] Available from: www.connect.ie/users/tornadoes/Shamrock.html [Accessed 6 April 2001]

[48] Carrickfergus Knights (1998) Full 1998 AFAI Results and Table [Internet] Available from: www.sugarcube.co.uk/knight/Full_1998_AFAI_Results_and.htm [Accessed 23 May 2000]

[49] Irish American Football Association (2001) 2001 IAFL Standings & Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2001-iafl-standings/schedule [Accessed 24 March 2014]

[50] Irish American Football Association (2002) 2002 IAFL Standings & Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2002-iafl-standings/schedule [Accessed 24 March 2014]

[51] Irish American Football Association (2003) 2003 Results [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2003results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[52] Irish American Football Association (2004) 2004 Results [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2004results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[53] Irish American Football Association (2005) 2005 Resuults [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2005results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[54] Irish American Football Association (2006) [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2006results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[55] Irish American Football Association (2007) 2007 Results [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2007results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[56] Irish American Football Association (2008) 2008 Results [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2008results.htm [Accessed 17 October 2009]

[57] Irish American Football Association (2009) 2009 IAFL Fixtures [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2009iaflfixtures.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

[58] Irish American Football Association (2010) 2010 IAFL Schedule Published [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2010-iafl-schedule-published/ [Accessed 24 March 2014]

[59] Irish American Football Association (2011) 2011 IAFL Schedule Published [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2011-iafl-schedule-published/ [Accessed 24 March 2014]

[60] Irish American Football Association (2014) 2012 IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 13 January 2014]

[62] Irish American Football Association (2013) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 23 August 2013]

[63] Irish American Football Association (2014) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 23 August 2014]

[64] Irish American Football Association (2015) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2015]

[65] Irish American Football Association (2016) SBC 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/sbc-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[66] Irish American Football Association (2016) Journey to Thirty [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/journey-to-thirty/ [Accessed 8 August 2016]

[67] Irish American Football Association (2018) Shamrock Bowl History [Internet] Available from: hhttp://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-history/ [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[68] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL Shamrock Bowl Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-conference/ [Accessed 26 July 2018]

[69] Irish American Football Association (2018) SBC Schedule & Results 2018 [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/sbc-schedule-results-2018/ [Accessed 26 July 2018]

[81] Irish American Football Association – Wayback Machine (2015) 2014 IAFL 1 Conference standings & Schedule [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20150110221134/http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2018]

[82] Irish American Football Association (2015) UCD wins IAFL1 Championship; Tyrone wins IAFL2 Championship [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/ucd-wins-iafl1-championship/ [Accessed 27 November 2018]

[83] Irish American Football Association (2015) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2015]

[84] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 1 Conference [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/contact-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[85] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 1 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl1-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[88] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL-1 Conference Standings http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 24 July 2017]

[92] Irish American Football Association (2018) IAFL 1 Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 28 May 2018]

[93] Irish American Football Association (2018) IAFL1 Schedule & Results 2018 [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl-1-schedule-results-2018/ [Accessed 28 May 2018]

[94] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 2 Conference [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/contact-football/iafl2-conference/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[95] Irish American Football Association (2014) IAFL 2 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl2-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[96] Donegal Daily (2016) Donegal Derry Vipers on a Roll with six wins in a row [Internet] Available from: http://www.donegaldaily.com/2016/08/24/donegal-derry-vipers-on-a-roll-with-six-wins-in-a-row/ [Accessed 23 February 2017]

[97] Irish american Football Association (2016) Donegal Derry Vipers win IAFL2 Bowl in a spectacular game with Wexford Eagles [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/donegalderry-vipers-win-iafl2-bowl-spectacular-game-wexford-eagles/ [Accessed 1 September 2016]

[98] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL-2 Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl2-conference/ [Accessed 28 August 2017]


[45] Dublin Celts American Football Team Facebook Page (2016) Post by Kevin Sharkey, August 27, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259540917772370/permalink/268518076874654/ [Accessed 6 June 2018]

[71] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1233266033373961 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[72] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1227508007283097 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[73] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 7 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1227556927278205:0 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[74] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 17 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1212468245453740 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[75] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 24 2016[Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1217083948325503 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[76] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 24 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1217246988309199 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[77] Carrickfergus Knights Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 30 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/CarrickKnights/posts/1067948010006303 [Accessed 2 August 2017]

[78] Dublin Rebels Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 30 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/dublinrebels/posts/617503018373620 [Accessed 2 August 2017]

[79] Irish American Football Association (2017) Facebook Post 14 August 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1619638348070059 [Accessed 14 August 2017]

[80] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2018) IAFA shared an Album – 20 August 2018 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/2060236584010231 [Accessed 20 August 2018]

[86] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1233266033373961 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[87] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 17 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1212468245453740 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[89] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 23 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1596885733678654 [Accessed 24 July 2017]

[90] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 27 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1632046600162567 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[91] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 20 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1625971890770038 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[99] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 27 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1632046600162567 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[100] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 20 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1625846934115867 [Accessed 28 August 2017]


[61] Dublin Rebels – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2008) News: 2008 League Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20081019054255/http://www.dublinrebels.com/news.php [Accessed 5 July 2017]

[70] Irish American Football Association – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2017) IAFL Shamrock Bowl Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20171115125115/http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-conference/ [Accessed 18 January 2018]


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eiirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 10 June 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019-2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

AFI American Football Ireland Division 1 2022

AFI American Football Ireland Logo [Reference: 1]


AFI American Football Ireland Division 1 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

Standings compiled automatically from results in AFI Schedule. For Official Standings Please visit AFI website in Reference: [2]

Playoff Schedule

AFI American Football Ireland Division 1 Playoffs 2022

Reference: Compiled from Results in References: [2-4]

Regular Season Schedule

AFI American Football Ireland Division 1 2022

Match Day Week 1
(Week 1)
20 - 0

Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts vs Donegal / Derry Vipers

(Week 1)
12 - 6

University of Limerick Vikings vs Wexford Eagles

Match Day Week 3
(Week 3)
30 - 12

Donegal / Derry Vipers vs Cill Dara Crusaders

(Week 3)
6 - 0

Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts vs University of Limerick Vikings

Match Day Week 4
(Week 4)
30 - 0

Westmeath Minotaurs vs Wexford Eagles

Match Day Week 5
(Week 5)
39 - 47

Cill Dara Crusaders vs University of Limerick Vikings

(Week 5)
13 - 0

Westmeath Minotaurs vs Donegal / Derry Vipers

(Week 5)
0 - 22

Wexford Eagles vs Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts

Match Day Week 8
(Week 8)
30 - 0 #

Cill Dara Crusaders vs Wexford Eagles

Match Day Week 10
(Week 10)
10 - 10

University of Limerick Vikings vs Donegal / Derry Vipers

(Week 10)
0 # - 30

Wexford Eagles vs Westmeath Minotaurs

Match Day Week 11
(Week 11)
0 # - 30

Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts vs Cill Dara Crusaders

Match Day Week 12
(Week 12)
13 - 39

Cill Dara Crusaders vs Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts

(Week 12)
7 - 24

Donegal / Derry Vipers vs Westmeath Minotaurs

Match Day Week 13
(Week 13)
30 - 0 #

Donegal / Derry Vipers vs Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts

(Week 13)
0 - 16

University of Limerick Vikings vs Westmeath Minotaurs

(Week 13)
0 # - 30

Wexford Eagles vs Cill Dara Crusaders

Match Day Week 14
(Week 14)
24 - 8

Cill Dara Crusaders vs Donegal / Derry Vipers

Match Day Week 15
(Week 15)
30 - 0 #

University of Limerick Vikings vs Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts

(Week 15)
34 - 7

Westmeath Minotaurs vs Cill Dara Crusaders

Match Day Week 16
(Week 16)
30 - 0 #

Donegal / Derry Vipers vs Wexford Eagles

(Week 16)
6 - 26

Westmeath Minotaurs vs University of Limerick Vikings

Match Day Week 18
(Week 18)
0 # - 30

Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts vs Westmeath Minotaurs

(Week 18)
0 # - 30

Wexford Eagles vs University of Limerick Vikings

Reference: [2]

Weekly Recap

Week 1 Recap

The two College teams in the Division, Trinity College Dublin and University of Limerick Vikings both won in the opening weekend of the AFI Division 1. TCD defeated Donegal / Derry Vipers 20-0 and UL Vikings won 12-6 versus Wexford Eagles. [References: 2]

Week 3 Recap

Donegal / Derry Vipers won 30-12 versus Cill Dara Crusaders to go 1-1 and draw level with UL Vikings who lost 0-6 at Trinity College Dublin. TCD were now 2-0 on the season after the win. [References: 2]

Week 4 Recap

Westmeath Minotaurs got their years’ schedule under way with a 30-0 win at home to Wexford Eagles, who fall to 0-2. Minotaurs join Trinity on a 100% record at the top of the Standings. [References: 2]

Week 5 Recap

Trinity College Dublin improved to 3-0 with a 22-0 win at Wexford Eagles (0-3). Westmeath Minotaurs also kept their 100% record with a 13-0 at Donegal / Derry Vipers. University of Limerick Vikings improved to 2-1 with an excitingly high-scoring 47-39 victory at Cill Dara Crusaders. [References: 2]

Week 7 Recap

Wexford Eagles forfeited all remaining games (two versus Cill Dara Crusaders and one each versus UL Vikings, Donegal / Derry Vipers and Westmeath Minotaurs [References: 2]

Week 8 Recap (15 May 2022)

UL Vikings and Donegal / Derry Vipers tied 10-10 [References: 2]

Week 9 Recap (22 May 2022)

Trinity College Dublin v Cill Dara Crusaders was rescheduled for 2 July 2022. [References: 2]

Week 10 Recap (29 May 2022)

Trinity College Dublin won 39-13 at Cill Dara Crusaders as the University team stayed undefeated. Westmeath Minotaurs also stayed undefeated with a 24-7 victory at Donegal / Derry Vipers. [References: 2]

Midweek 11 Recap (2 June 2022)

Donegal / Derry Vipers received a walkover from Trinity College Dublin [References: 2]

Week 11 Recap (5 June 2022)

Westmeath Minotaurs remained undefeated with a 16-0 victory at UL Vikings who fell to 3-2-1. [References: 2]

Midweek 12 Recap (10 June 2022)

Cill Dara Crusaders v Donegal / Derry Vipers was postoned until July 10 2022. [References: 2]

Week 13 Recap (18-19 June 2022)

Trinity College Dublin forfeited their remaining three games versus Cill Dara Crusaders, Westmeath Minotaurs and University of Limerick Vikings. The only game played was Westmeath Minotaurs 34-7 victory at home to Cill Dara Crusaders who are on 3-4 and in a winner-takes-all battle with Donegal / Derry Vipers for the third and last playoff spot. [References: 2]

Week 14 Recap (26 June 2022)

University of Limerick Vikings handed Westmeath Minotaurs their first defeat of the season when defeating the Mullingar team 26-6. The Minotaurs finish the regular season on 7-1 and the Vikings on 5-2-1. [References: 2]

Week 16 Recap (10 July 2022)

Cill Dara Crusaders took third place in the Standings with a 24-8 victory over Donegal / Derry Vipers who also made the Playoffs. The Crusaders finished 4-4, level with Trinity College Dublin, and a half-game ahead of Donegal / Derry Vipers who finished 3-4-1, but made the Playoffs also due to Trinity not fielding a team in the postseason. [References: 2]

Playoff Semi-Finals (17 July 2022)

Westmeath Minotaurs cruised into the Division 1 Bowl with a resounding 41-6 defeat of Donegal / Derry Vipers. University of Limerick Vikings on the other hand had to really work to defeat Cill Dara Crusaders 21-18 to make the Bowl game. [References: 2]

Division 1 Bowl (31 July 2022)

Westmeath Minotaurs came from 13-7 down at halftime to triumph 16-13 over University of Limerick Vikings in the Division 1 Bowl. After 11 years existence Westmeath Minotaurs finally won their first Championship Game thanks to a Receiving Touchdown from Jack Lynch in the second quarter to level the game at 7-7, a Rushing Touchdown in the thitrd quarter from Andrew Payton which again levelled the game at 13-13 before Jay Bruton’s winning Field Goal in the Fourth Quarter. [References: 3-4][Please click on Division 1 Bowl in Playoff Schedule Above for more Details]

American Football Ireland Division 1 2022 Preview

Division 1 is the second level of American Football Ireland in 2022, featuring six teams: with no league in 2020 and only friendly games in 2021 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the AFI Division reverted to the 2019 Standings to determine the Division Make-Up in 2022. Craigavon Cowboys, AFI Division 1 Bowl winners in 2019 were promoted to the Premier Division, while University of Limerick Vikings were relegated from the 2019 Premier Division. [Reference: 2; 5]. Waterford Wolves and Galway Warriors had both folded during the 2019 season, while Louth Mavericks made the drop down to Division 2 from 2019 [Reference: 3]. Cill Dara Crusaders, 2019 IAFL 2 Bowl winners were promoted from Division 2 [Reference: 6]. Westmeath Minotaurs, Wexford Eagles and Trinity College Dublin all put up 6-2 records during 2019 in Division 1 (IAFL 1 Conference as it was known in 2019), while Donegal / Derry Vipers went 2-6 [Reference: 5]. Cill Dara Crusaders had gone 7-1 in the IAFL 2 Conference before winning the 2 Bowl in 2019 [Reference: 6]. University of Limerick Vikings went 3-5 in the Shamrock Bowl Conference (as the AFI Premier Division was known) in 2019, being relegated for forfeiting a single game [Reference: 2].

Map of Ireland (2022 Counties, Districts and Boroughs) Showing AFI Division 1 Teams and Logos 2022

Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski overlaid with Vector — Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 and AFI 2022 Team Logos added by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie


[27] Vector — Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_144615978_labeled-color-map-of-districts-of-northern-ireland-united-kingdom.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-21 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Superimposed on Vector — Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_51580818_map-of-ireland-administrative-divisions-on-counties-level.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-1 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Combined with 2022 American Football Ireland Division 1 Team Logos by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [10 January 2022]


[1] American Football Ireland (2020) AFI Logo 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AFI-Logo-200.png [Accessed 10 February 2020]


[2] American Football Ireland (2022) AFI Division 1 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/americanfootball/division1/ [Accessed 2 March 2022][Last Accessed 3 August 2022]

[3] Westmeath Minotaurs Facebook (2022) Post, August 2, 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/westmeathminotaurs/posts/pfbid0Rw9iCx1B8MzAKY1cvjkGTF9vUgCbCheHPvEzznK3hPsKdzxehjiyxxAJU497an9Dl [Accessed 3 August 2022]

[4] American Football Ireland Facebook (2022) Post, July 31, 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/americanfootballireland/posts/pfbid0xQHCoZ1WuukzWL9go35w7RzexvYfnpMvsmjeKNTRnZotbypVefjaAchqGvp7Akdml [Accessed 3 August 2022]

Preview References

[5] Irish American Football Association (2019) SBC 2019[Playoffs][Standings][Results & Fixtures] [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/home/kitted-football/sbc-2019/ [Accessed 22 July 2019]

[6] Irish American Football Association (2019) IAFL 1[Playoff][Standings][Fixtures & Results] [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/home/kitted-football/iafl1_19/ [Accessed 29 July 2019]

[7] Irish American Football Association (2019) Teams | Kitted | IAFL 2 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/teams/teams-kitted-iafl1/ [Accessed 25 June 2019]


[1] Cill Dara Crusaders Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, October 2, 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/CillDaraCrusaders/photos/a.143587636249820/148372745771309/ [Actual Logo Reference at: http://22181441_148372745771309_392433809994775255_o [Accessed 20 September 2021]

[20] Donegal Derry Vipers (2018) Donegal Derry Vipers Logo [Internet] Available from: http://ddvipers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DDVIPERS.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[1] Trinity College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) TCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/214800495197037/photos/1306609992682743/ [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[35] Irish American Football Association (2017) UL Vikings Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ULVikings-HI-RES-Logo.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[17] Westmeath Minotaurs | Facebook (2015) Westmeath Minotaurs Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12065840_1078155085529890_2779932276034449252_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=3673d2a991ca4920aad2e85dc589c794&oe=5CC01F4B [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[31] Irish American Football Association (2018) Wexford Eagles Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Wexford-Eagles.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]


Thanks to Jo Buchanan (South Dublin Panthers)


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 4 July 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

American Football Ireland Premier Division 2022

American Football Ireland Logo. References: [1]


AFI American Football Ireland Premier Division 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

Standings calculated automatically from results in Schedule. For more details Please see Official American Football Ireland Schedule in References: [1-2]

Playoff Schedule

AFI American Football Ireland Premier Division Playoffs 2022

Match Day Semi-Finals
46 - 6

Dublin Rebels vs South Dublin Panthers

44 - 6

UCD Sentinels vs Cork Admirals

Match Day Shamrock Bowl XXXIV
(Shamrock Bowl XXXIV)
24 - 52

Dublin Rebels vs UCD Sentinels

Results compiled from results in Schedule and a couple of other websites. For more details Please see Official American Football Ireland Schedule and other websites in References: [1-4]


AFI American Football Ireland Premier Division 2022

Match Day Week 1
(Week 1)
58 - 7

University College Dublin Sentinels vs Belfast Knights

(Week 1)
35 - 6

Craigavon Cowboys vs West Dublin Rhinos

Match Day Week 2
(Week 2)
28 - 27

University College Dublin Sentinels vs Belfast Trojans

(Week 2)
0 - 20

Cork Admirals vs Dublin Rebels

Match Day Week 3
(Week 3)
14 - 15

Belfast Knights vs Craigavon Cowboys

Match Day Week 4
(Week 4)
42 - 13

South Dublin Panthers vs Belfast Trojans

Match Day Week 5
(Week 5)
8 - 44

Craigavon Cowboys vs University College Dublin Sentinels

(Week 5)
13 - 19

Belfast Knights vs South Dublin Panthers

(Week 5)
0 - 52

West Dublin Rhinos vs Dublin Rebels

Match Day Week 6
(Week 6)
0 - 17

West Dublin Rhinos vs South Dublin Panthers

(Week 6)
20 - 0

University College Dublin Sentinels vs Cork Admirals

(Week 6)
30 - 7

Dublin Rebels vs Belfast Knights

Match Day Week 7
(Week 7)
38 - 6

Dublin Rebels vs Belfast Trojans

(Week 7)
28 - 16

West Dublin Rhinos vs Craigavon Cowboys

Match Day Week 8
(Week 8)
2 - 24

South Dublin Panthers vs Cork Admirals

Match Day Week 9
(Week 9)
37 - 6

University College Dublin Sentinels vs West Dublin Rhinos

(Week 9)
21 - 48

Belfast Knights vs Dublin Rebels

(Week 9)
13 - 22

Craigavon Cowboys vs Cork Admirals

Match Day Week 10
(Week 10)
6 - 44

South Dublin Panthers vs University College Dublin Sentinels

(Week 10)
49 - 19

Belfast Trojans vs Craigavon Cowboys

Match Day Week 11
(Week 11)
35 - 0

Belfast Trojans vs West Dublin Rhinos

(Week 11)
41 - 21

Cork Admirals vs Belfast Knights

Match Day Week 12
(Week 12)
34 - 30

Dublin Rebels vs University College Dublin Sentinels

Match Day Week 13
(Week 13)
33 - 20

Belfast Trojans vs South Dublin Panthers

(Week 13)
0 - 44

West Dublin Rhinos vs Cork Admirals

Match Day Week 14
(Week 14)
2 - 58

Craigavon Cowboys vs Dublin Rebels

Match Day Week 15
(Week 15)
43 - 26

Belfast Trojans vs Belfast Knights

(Week 15)
28 - 28

Cork Admirals vs University College Dublin Sentinels

(Week 15)
55 - 6

South Dublin Panthers vs Craigavon Cowboys

Match Day Week 16
(Week 16)
42 - 13

Dublin Rebels vs South Dublin Panthers

(Week 16)
26 - 20

Cork Admirals vs Belfast Trojans

(Week 16)
34 - 0

Belfast Knights vs West Dublin Rhinos

Standings calculated automatically from results in Schedule. For more details Please see Official American Football Ireland Schedule in References: [1-2]

Weekly Recaps

Week 1 Recap (13 March 2022)

UCD had an amazing return to Football after the COVID-enforced layoff with a 58-7 victory over Belfast Knights. Craigavon Cowboys also had a big win, 35-6 versus West Dublin Rhinos. [References: 2]

Week 2 Recap (20 March 2022)

UCD continued on a roll with a close 28-27 defeat of Belfast Trojans, while Dublin Rebels opened their account with a 20-0 win at Cork Admirals, also playing their first game. [References: 2]

Week 3 Recap (27 March 2022)

Craigavon Cowboys defeated the Belfast Knights 15-14 to go level with UCD on 2-0 at the top of the Premier in the only game in the Division in Week 2. [References: 2]

Week 4 Recap (3 April 2022)

South Dublin Panthers won 42-13 versus Belfast Trojans to join UCD, Craigavon Cowboys and Dublin Rebels on 100% records at the top of the Premier Division. Belfast Trojans fall to 0-2, and remain winless along with Cork Admirals, Belfast Trojans and Belfast Knights. [References: 2]

Week 5 Recap (10 April 2022)

UCD improved to 3-0 with a 44-8 defeat of Craigavon Cowboys, Dublin rebels likewise kept their 100% record with a 52-0 win at West Dublin Rhinos, and South Dublin Panthers were victorious versus Belfast Knights 19-13 to also maintain a perfect start on 2-0. [References: 2]

Week 6 Recap (24 April 2022)

UCD Sentinels, Dublin Rebels and South Dublin Panthers all won to keep up their 100% records. The Rebels (3-0) defeated Belfast Knights (0-4) 30-7, UCD (4-0) won 20-0 at home to the Cork Admirals (0-2) and South Dublin Panthers (3-0) triumphed 17-0 at West Dublin Rhinos (0-3) in a South/West Dublin derby as the gap between the top half of the standings and the bottom half of the standings widened. [References: 2]

Week 7 Recap (1 May 2022)

Dublin Rebels joined UCD on 4-0 after defeating Belfast Trojans (0-3) 38-6, while the West Dublin Rhinos (1-2) gained their first win of the season 28-16 over the Craigavon Cowboys (2-2) in a shock result. [References: 2]

Week 8 Recap (15 May 2022)

Cork Admirals traveled to Palmerston in Dun Laoighre-Rathdown to face South Dublin Panthers and came away with a shock first win of the season thanks to a dominant defense and three touchdowns from Phylip Walters (2 rushing and one receiving). The 2-24 loss was the Panthers first of the season. [References: 3]

Week 9 Recap (22 May 2022)

UCD and Dublin Rebels continued to set the pace with wins over West Dublin Rhinos (37-6) and Belfast Knights (48-21) respectively, while Cork Admirals made up some ground with a 22-13 victory at the always tough to beat Craigavon Cowboys. [References: 2]

Week 10 Recap (29 May 2022)

UCD defeated South Dublin Panthers 44-6 to remain undefeated as Belfast Trojans won 49-19 at home to Craigavon Cowboys to win their first game of the season and go 1-3, just behind the Cowboys who were on 2-4 after the game. [References: 2]

Week 11 Recap (5 June 2022)

In a big match which could determine playoff places Cork Admirals defeated the visiting Belfast Knights 41-21 to go 3-2, level with South Dublin Panthers in third, while the Knights remained without a win on 0-6. Belfast Trojans improved to 2-3 with a 35-0 defeat of West Dublin Rhinos who were now 1-5 [References: 2]

Week 12 Recap (12 June 2022)

In the biggest game of the season so far the Dublin Rebels defeated University College Dublin 34-30 in a match-up between the two undefeated teams. Rebels improved to 6-0 with the win and UCD fell to 6-1 with the loss. [References: 2]

Week 13 Recap (19 June 2022)

In a game with important playoff implications Belfast Trojans triumphed 33-20 over the visiting South Dublin Panthers to go 3-3 and leave the Panthers on 3-3. In the other game Cork Admirals traveled to West Dublin and defeated thev Rhinos 44-0 to improve to 4-2 as the Castleknock-based Rhinos fell to 1-6. [References: 2]

Week 14 Recap (26 June 2022)

Dublin Rebels traveled to Craigavon and came away with a 58-2 victory at the Cowboys who were now on 2-5 and their playoff chances slim with the defeat. The Rebels improved to 7-0 with the win. [References: 2]

Week 15 Recap (2-3 July 2022)

Belfast Trojans won 43-26 versus the still winless Belfast Knights to improve to 4-3. The Trojans, despite their four-game winning streak still had to contend for the fourth playoff spot with the South Dublin Panthers who snapped a three-game losing streak with a 55-6 victory over Craigavon Cowboys who finished the season 2-6 as the Panthers went 4-3 alongside the Trojans. In the other game in Week 15 Cork Admirals and University College Dublin played out a 28-all tie which assured the Dublin Rebels of the Regular Season League Championship as UCD finished the Regular Season on 6-1-1 and the Cork Admirals marginally improved their chances of a playoff-spot as they went 4-2-1. [References: 2]

Week 16 Recap (10 July 2022)

Dublin Rebels finished the Regular Season undefeated after defeating the South Dublin Panthers 42-13. Cork Admirals took third place and deprived the Belfast Trojans of a playoff place after winning 26-20 in Cork, and Belfast Knights climbed off bottom spot with their first victory of the season, 34-0 at home to West Dublin Rhinos, who also finished the season 1-7. The Top 4 and therefore playoff qualifiers were Dublin Rebels (8-0), University College Dublin (6-1-1), Cork Admirals (5-2-1) and South Dublin Panthers (4-4). Belfast Trojans narrowly missed out on the playoffs on a tie-breaker after they also finished on 4-4 and the Craigavon Cowboys finished 2-6. [References: 2]

Premier Division Semi-Finals (24 July 2022)

Two blowouts confirmed the Dublin Rebels and University College Dublin as the best two American Football teams in Ireland after the Rebels won 46-6 versus South Dublin Panthers and UCD defeated Cork Admirals 44-6, setting up a hotly-anticipated first Shamrock Bowl since 2019, to be held in Ravenhill, Belfast, the home of Ulster Rugby (now known as Kingspan Stadium for sponsorship reasons). [References: 2]

Shamrock Bowl XIV (7 August 2022)

To cap an historic season, UCD American Football, defeated Dublin Rebels 52-24 in front off a record crowd in Kingspan Stadium, Belfast (formerly known as Ravenhill – the home of Ulster Rugby). [References: 4-5]

About the 2022 American Football Ireland Premier Division

The American Football Ireland Premier Division is the Top Level American Football League in Ireland, consisting of 8 teams: three in Northern Ireland (Belfast Knights, Belfast Trojans and Craigavon Cowboys); four in Dublin (Dublin Rebels, South Dublin Panthers, University College Dublin AFC and West Dublin Rhinos) and one Munster team (Cork Admirals). It is the first full year of the League since 2019 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and sees 7 teams returning from 2019 with University of Limerick Vikings and Trinity College Dublin making the drop down to Division 1 for 2022 and being replaced in the Premier Division by South Dublin Panthers. [References: 2]

Map of Ireland (2022 Counties, Boroughs and Districts) Showing AFI Premier Division Team Logos and Locations 2022

Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski superimposed with Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 [2022 AFI Team Logos added by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [27]


[27] Vector — Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_144615978_labeled-color-map-of-districts-of-northern-ireland-united-kingdom.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-21 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Superimposed on Vector — Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_51580818_map-of-ireland-administrative-divisions-on-counties-level.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-1 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Combined with 2022 American Football Ireland Premier Division Team Logos by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [10 January 2022]


[1] American Football Ireland (2020) AFI Logo 2020 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/AFI-Logo-200.png [Accessed 10 February 2020]


[2] American Football Ireland (2022) AFI Premier Division 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/americanfootball/premier-division/ [Accessed 4 July 2022]

[3] American Football Ireland (2022) Review: AFI Gameweek 8 [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/review-afi-gameweek-8/ [Accessed 24 May 2022]

[4] UCD American Football (2022) Post, 9 August 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/UcdAmericanFootball/posts/pfbid0TJmad3btJYKGXn3qcVxF7bVgCHzaqVJRn3KsJQ5diVh52EywFPpLCdhVF2w65YNxl [Accessed 9 August 2022]

[5] Gaelic Gridiron (2022) Post, 7 August 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/gaelicgridiron/posts/pfbid02Zj4iGFKE1AYv4EQbn7gg4Ge3UAzFo8DXJ2ASogd9savPWh4QKXNkiChms449Z3Jsl [Accessed 8 August 2022]

Logo References

[16] Carrickfergus Knights – Vimeo (2018) Portrait [Internet] Available from: https://i.vimeocdn.com/portrait/482449_300x300 [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[15] Belfast Trojans | Facebook (2019) Belfast Trojans Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/396414_329765713737073_1023026931_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=61cbbd2dd06504291f7e7843703e7b1d&oe=5CB71144 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[32] Irish American Football Association (2017) Admirals Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Admirals-PNG-1.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[1] Craigavon Cowboys – Twitter Account (2018) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/864100166680424448/TCauLbnj_400x400.jpg [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[4] Irish American Football Association (2018) Dublin Rebels Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Dublin-Rebels-2.png [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[1] South Dublin Panthers Facebook Page (2018) South Dublin Panthers Profile Picture https://www.facebook.com/southdublinpanthers/photos/a.345294775649262/906846089494125/?type=1&theater [Accessed 16 November 2018]

[11] University College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) UCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/42217493_1698569130253365_7279433760959889408_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=7a5022628bcaee96b826121685dfb223&oe=5CC99467 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[1] West Dublin Rhinos | Twitter (2019) West Dublin Rhinos Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/834675830257229824/fw7mbNXR_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]


Thanks to Sean Douglas (UCD and Dublin Rebels) and Jo Buchanan (South Dublin Panthers)


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 9 August 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

BGFL British Gridiron Football League 1987


BGFL British Gridiron Football League East Division 1987

1*Leicester Hunstmen9100.900310113
2*East Kent Cougars7300.700242113
3Boston Blitz5500.500139158
4Rotherham Redskins4600.400150132
5Burton Braves3700.300147323
6Doncaster Jaguars2800.200125276

BGFL British Gridiron Football League West Division 1987

1*Mersey Centurions6001.00029048
2*Hartlepool Steelers4200.667100137
3Preston Pirates2400.33311095
4Oldham Phoenix0600.00012232

Playoff Schedule

BGFL British Gridiron Football League Playoffs 1987

Match Day Semi-Finals
28 - 12

Leicester Huntsmen vs Hartlepool

28 - 13

Mersey Centurions vs East Kent Cougars

Match Day BGFL Brit Bowl 1987
(BGFL Brit Bowl 1987)
20 - 16

Mersey Centurions vs Leicester Huntsmen

Note: For Scorers in the BGFL Brit Bowl please click on the game in the above schedule.

BGFL West Division 1987 Standings (Pre-Revision)

BGFL British Gridiron Football League West Division (Pre-Revision) 1987

1*Mersey Centurions7001.00031848
2*Hartlepool Steelers4300.571100143
3Preston Pirates3400.42913890
4Westhoughton Greyhounds #2300.4003969
5Oldham Phoenix1700.12534261

Note: # Standings were revised after Westhoughton Greyhounds left the League between 22 August 1987 and 29 August 1987. Pre-Revision Standings Provided Here.


Ulster’s Geoff Mackey, who was introduced to the game of American Football while studying at Liverpool Polytechnic, played for the Mersey Centurions in 1988, where he reached the Britbowl, losing 20-13 to the Woking Generals. In 1987 the Mersey Centurions had won the Britbowl 20-16 against the Leicester Huntsmen. His exploits for the Centurions saw him called up to the British and Irish Bulldogs for a five-week tour, taking in training in the United States, and then three Test Matches in Australia, from 4 November 1988 to the middle of December.


The British Gridiron Football League was a Fifth Level American Football League in the North and Midlands of England in 1987, after which it absorbed the Capital League and a large number of UKAFL teams to form a Fourth Level League in 1988. In 1989 it merged with the UKAFL to form the British National Gridiron League, playing Levels 5 to 7 below the NDMA (First Level) and Combined Gridiron League (Levels 2 to 4)



[1] Anon. (1987) “Results – Standings – Fixtures: BGFL” First Down. August 22, 1987. pg. 16.Mediawatch Ltd. Charlbury, Oxfordshire, England, UK.

[2] Anon. (1987) “Results – Standings – Fixtures: BGFL Final Standings” First Down. August 29, 1987. pg. 17. Mediawatch Ltd. Charlbury, Oxfordshire, England, UK.

[5] Anon. (1986) “Geoff’s Bulldog spirit” Belfast Telegraph. Thursday, November 3, 1988. pg. 51 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.


[4] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1987][1988] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]


[6] Anon. (1986) “Geoff’s Bulldog spirit” Belfast Telegraph. Thursday, November 3, 1988. pg. 51 [Internet] Available online at the Irish Newspaper Archive at: https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ which is a subscription service.


[6] Vivid Maps (2022) Geo-Geneology of Irish Surnames [Internet] Available from: https://vividmaps.com/irish-surnames/ [Accessed 31 January 2022]


Thanks to John Malone, Paul O’Reilly, Declan Mulvey, Colm McGennis.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 3 February 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020-2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

AFAI American Football Association of Ireland Challenge Games 1986


AFAI American Football Association of Ireland Challenge 1986

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
0East Coast Comets0000.0000000


AFAI American Football Association Challenge 1986

Note: Exact Date in March of East Coast v Portmarnock game unknown, approximation given above.


With a squad of about 20-30 players Bray’s East Coast Comets in Co. Wicklow were due to meet a team from Portmarnock in March 1986 in an early game of American Football, which would probably have been a pre-pads version of the game, played with some contact but not Flag Football.


[1] Anon. (1986) “American football comes to Bray Area” Wicklow People 14 February 1986. pg. 39.

[2] Jan van Embden (1986) “Your chance to try American football” Wicklow People. Friday, 11 April 1986. pg. 40.


Thanks to Anton “Pippo” O’Grady.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 16 January 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

AFI American Football Ireland and Predecessors Teams Timeline 1942-2022

ETO (1942-1944), AAF (1983), AFAI (1984-1999), IAFA (2001-2018), and AFI (2019-2022) Teams Timeline.

AFI American Football Ireland Timeline 1942-2022

1Hale Blue Devils1942ETO
1Tech Fighting Irish1942ETO
1Yarvard Crimson Tide1942ETO
4Army Wolverines1944ETO
4Navy Galloping Gaels1944ETO
111986-1995; 2003-2022AFAI, IAFA, AFI
14Carrickfergus / East Antrim Cougars1986-1989AFAI
15Aldergrove Hawks1987AFAI
17Bangor Buccaneers1987AFAI
24Bray Seahawks1989AFAI
25Dublin Pirates1990AFAI
27Brownlow Bandits1991AFAI
27Newtownabbey Warriors1991AFAI
311994-2022AFAI, IAFA, AFI
402000-2022IAFA, AFI
422001-2022IAFA, AFI
442002-2022IAFA, AFAI
472007-2022IAFA, AFI
502008-2022IAFA. AFI
502008-2022IAFA, AFI
542009-2022IAFA, AFI
55Institute of Technology Carlow Chargers2010IAFA
582011-2022IAFA, AFI
602012-2022IAFA, AFI
632014-2022IAFA, AFI
662015-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
672016-2022IAFA, AFI
712017-2022IAFA, AFI

European Theater of Operations (1942-1944), All-American Festival (1983)

The first teams based in Ireland were the European Theater of Operations Football Championship teams of US Army and Navy personnel stationed in Northern Ireland during World War II. The Hale Blue Devils, Yarvard Crimson Tide, Tech Fighting Irish, Army Wolverines and Navy Galloping Gaels played a handful of matches in Larne, Ravenhill and Newry. In 1983 with Britain’s Channel 4 TV station showing the game on our screens for the first time, the Redskins and Yankees – two teams of specially trained Rugby Union players played at the All-American Festival in Banbridge, Co. Down.

American Football Association of Ireland (1987-1999)

With the founding of the Dublin Celts in the Phoenix Park in 1984 the foundations of Irish American Football proper were laid. Following quickly were Coleraine Chieftains, also 1984 but not kitted until 1986, Craigavon Cowboys, Belfast Blitzers, Ballymena Wolfhounds, Carrickfergus Cougars in 1985 and 1986. The Wolfhounds withdrew from the AFAI in 1986 and concentrated solely on Youth Football, becoming fully kitted in 1991. The other five mentioned teams played in the first season of the American Football Association of Ireland in 1986. In 1987 Belfast Spartans, Jordanstown Jaguars, Bangor Buccaneers, Dublin Tornadoes, Belfast Giants, East Side Jets (Castlereagh) joined the league as did Aldergrove Hawks, who only played preseason. The 11 teams was soon whittled down to 8 as Jordanstown and East Side folded during the season and Bangor Buccaneers folded after the season. In 1988, however, the Antrim A26 Bulldogs were born. The Lee Valley Steelers in Cork were also formed that year. Belfast Blitzers dropped out of the league after 1988 and in 1989 Belfast Giants did likewise. 1989, however, saw the birth of the Bray Seahawks and Limerick Patriots. Bray played the one season of friendlies and Limerick never joined the league proper, playing in an 8v8 Mini-League.

1990 saw the birth and death of the Dublin Pirates. In 1991 Coleraine Chieftains and Carrickfergus Cougars merged as the Newtownabbey Warriors. This was to be the pattern for the next decade – one or two teams would fold each year and one replaced them. In 1991 the Junior Kitted League started in Northern Ireland with the Wolfhounds, Brownlow Bandits (a feeder team for the Cowboys), the Belfast Junior Spartans and the Prospect Pumas. Pumas were to become the Carrickfergus Knights senior team in 1994. Before that was to happen, however, the Drogheda Vikings entered the league in 1992, lasting one season, before a splinter group formed the Ardee Falcons in 1993, playing 8v8 Football for one season. That year was the last year of the Celts, Patriots, Falcons and Steelers as the league numbers dwindled. The Cowboys also folded temporarily, replaced by the nearby Lurgan Area Raiders in 1994. In 1995 the Dublin Lightning were formed by former Celts players. 1996 was the last year of the Tornadoes and Spartans. All of the original teams had now disappeared. Portadown Panthers replaced the Raiders in 1996 and were again replaced by the returning Craigavon Cowboys in 1998. The Tornadoes were replacerd by the Dublin Tigers in 1998 who had merged with the Gateway Bulls who were formed in Dublin in 1997. Greystones Rebels also formed around this time but stayed out of the league most season, as did the Dublin Lightning due to disatisfaction with the running of the league. 1998 saw Queen’s University Belfast Broncos play the first of two seasons, and a new team in Belfast, the Lasers played 7v7 Football in 1999.

Irish American Football Association (2001-2019)

By 2000, however, all but three teams had folded: Carrickfergus Cougars, Greystones Rebels and Dublin Lightning, with only one still affiliated to AFAI. Following protracted disputes, eventually leading to a court case, the AFAI was replaced by the IAFA in 2001 and the league started afresh with the Tigers and Rebels merged to become the Dublin Rebels, the Carrickfergus Knights and two entirely new teams: Dublin Dragons, formed from a Flag Football team, and the University of Limerick Vikings. The League expanded rapidly adding the Cork Admirals, Belfast Bulls and a resurrected Craigavon Cowboys by 2003 and the North Dublin Marshals and Dublin City University Saints by 2006. In 2007 the Marshals were replaced by the Tallaght Outlaws who lasted until 2008, the Edenderry Soldiers and the Belfast Trojans, a split from the Belfast Bulls. The Bulls folded after the 2008 season, and that year the introduction of the DV8 Development League saw a boom in team numbers: Both seconds teams, West Dublin Rhinos and Trinity College Dublin Thunderbolts were added that year. In 2009 the Erris (Mayo) Rams (until 2010), Midlands Soldiers (a merger of Edenderry Soldiers and new team Mullingar Archers, which lasted one season) and University College Dublin Sentinels joined the league. In 2010 the Soldiers were replaced in the midlands by Tullamore Phoenix, who played until 2013, and the IT Carlow Chargers who lost their sponsor after one game. Drogheda Lightning and Trim (Meath) Bulldogs joined in 2011 and in 2012 North Kildare Reapers, Mullingar Minotaurs and Waterford Wolves joined.

By 2013 the DV8 Development League was replaced by a full 11v11 Division 1 (IAFL 1) below the newly renamed Shamrock Bowl Conference, featuring seven of the Devlopment teams. 2014 saw the introduction of a third division, with Galway Warriors, Dundalk Mavericks, Tyrone Titans and South Kildare Soldiers joining in the IAFL 2. In 2015 Donegal Derry Vipers joined and the Mavericks and Lightning had merged as the Louth Mavericks. In 2016 a further three teams joined: North Dublin Pirates, NI Razorbacks, and Wexford Eagles. That year the Dublin Dragons also disbanded, becoming the reformed South Dublin Panthers. In 2017 the Antrim Jets joined replacing the Tyrone Titans and the two Kildare teams merged as the Cill Dara Crusaders in 2018, by which the Waterford Wolves were playing their last season, as were Galway Warriors in 2019. 2019 was the first year of the Causeway Giants and by now a new administration had taken over, with the IAFA renamed American Football Ireland.

Map of Northern Ireland (2022 Districts) Showing All-Time ETO, AAF, AFAI, IAFA and AFI Teams (1942-2022)

Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 [Superimposed with 1942-2022 AFI and Predecessors Team Logos added by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [27]

Map of Ireland (2022 Counties, Boroughs and Districts) Showing AFAI (1986-1999), IAFA (2001-2018) and AFI (2019-2022) Republic of Ireland Teams

Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski [28]Combined with 1984-2022 Irish American Football Team Logos by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [16 January 2022]

Map of Dublin (2022 Counties and Boroughs) Showing AFAI (1984-1999), IAFA (2001-2018) and AFI (2019-2022) Team Locations and Logos

Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level


[27] Vector — Labeled Color Map of Districts of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom Copyright: lara2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_144615978_labeled-color-map-of-districts-of-northern-ireland-united-kingdom.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-21 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Superimposed on [28] Vector — Map of Ireland administrative divisions on counties level Copyright: lesniewski [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_51580818_map-of-ireland-administrative-divisions-on-counties-level.html?vti=lnoo9k86jx77fg2u6b-1-1 [Accessed 10 January 2022] Combined with 1987 Irish American Football Team Logos by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie [10 January 2022]


[1] Dublin Celts American Football Team Facebook Page (2016) Photo by Joseph Greene August 28, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1421158977901127&set=gm.269427200117075&type=3&theater&ifg=1 [Accessed 3 July 2018]

[2] Dublin Dragons – IAFA (2018) Logo [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/dragons.jpg [Accessed 16 November 2018]

[3] Dublin Lightning (1999) Lightning Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20010614095221im_/http://www.geocities.com:80/Colosseum/Stadium/6662/lightninglogo.jpg [Accessed 4 July 2018]

[4] Irish American Football Association (2018) Dublin Rebels Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Dublin-Rebels-2.png [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[5] Dublin Tornadoes (1995) Timmy Tornado Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115063729im_/http://fiachra.ucd.ie:80/~alan/Icons/American/timmy.gif [Accessed 3 July 2018]

[6] North Dublin Marshals – Wayback Machine (2007) North Dublin Marshals Logo [Internet] Avaiilable from: http://web.archive.org/web/20060906220811im_/http://www.northdublinmarshals.com:80/image002.jpg [Accessed 3 August 2018]

[7] North Dublin Pirates (2019) North Dublin Pirates Logo [Internet] Avaiilable from: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/NorthDublinPirates.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[8] South Dublin Panthers Facebook Page (2018) South Dublin Panthers Profile Picture https://www.facebook.com/southdublinpanthers/photos/a.345294775649262/906846089494125/?type=1&theater [Accessed 16 November 2018]

[9] Tallaght Outlaws – Wayback Machine (2007) Tallaght Outlaws – Logo [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20070312123103im_/http://www.tallaghtoutlaws.com:80/forum/templates/subSilver/images/logo_phpBB.gif [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[10] Trinity College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) TCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/214800495197037/photos/1306609992682743/ [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[11] University College Dublin American Football | Facebook (2019) UCD American Football Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/42217493_1698569130253365_7279433760959889408_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=7a5022628bcaee96b826121685dfb223&oe=5CC99467 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[12] West Dublin Rhinos | Twitter (2019) West Dublin Rhinos Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/834675830257229824/fw7mbNXR_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[13] Antrim Jets | Twitter (2019) Antrim Jets Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/863895806876798976/X–gwGlf_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[14] Irish American Football Association (2008) Belfast Bulls Logo [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/bullslogoX.jpg [Accessed 1 December 2018]

[13] Belfast Trojans | Facebook (2019) Belfast Trojans Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/396414_329765713737073_1023026931_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=61cbbd2dd06504291f7e7843703e7b1d&oe=5CB71144 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[16] Carrickfergus Knights – Vimeo (2018) Portrait [Internet] Available from: https://i.vimeocdn.com/portrait/482449_300x300 [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[17] Causeway Giants | Twitter (2019) Causeway Giants Logo [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1053726473272680448/pF_Cb76b_400x400.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[18] Coleraine Chieftans (2002) Coleraine Chieftans: Chief Image [Internet] Available from: http://www.thecolerainechieftans.freeservers.com/images/chief.gif [Accessed 18 July 2018]

[19] Craigavon Cowboys – Twitter Account (2018) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/864100166680424448/TCauLbnj_400x400.jpg [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[20] Donegal Derry Vipers (2018) Donegal Derry Vipers Logo [Internet] Available from: http://ddvipers.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/DDVIPERS.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[21] International Police Association (2018) NI Razorbacks Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.ipa-uk.org/write/Images/Razorbacks_logo.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[22] Tyrone Fermanagh Titans | Facebook (2018) Tyrone Titans Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21557438_1594065800659297_3400819593502111960_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=a7d826672807573a79f7c8876c57df15&oe=5CCC26DA [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[23] Cill Dara Crusaders | Facebook (2018) Cill Dara Crusaders Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22154178_148372745771309_392433809994775255_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=3f80123bc5d863bbaf21c0d014ef795b&oe=5CFCA568 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[24] Drogheda Lightning (2011) Drogheda Lightning Logo [Internet] Available from: https://boltsinblue.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/final_crest_2.png?w=212&h=300 [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[25] Irish American Football Association (2017) Louth Mavericks Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/helmet-decal-2.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[26] Irish American Football Association (2017) Meath Bulldogs Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Bulldogs.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[27] North Kildare Reapers Facebook Page (2016) North Kildare Reapers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/1915656_601510396666670_1466765724774743782_n.png?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=9ce7704ef3f30893cf5253668ebb76c8&oe=5C98C46E [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[28] South Kildare Soldiers (2016) South Kildare Soldiers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Sz7Fd5-sSPM/maxresdefault.jpg [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[29] Bolts in Blue (2011) Tullamore Phoenix Logo [Internet] Available from: https://boltsinblue.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/tullamore-phoenix.jpg [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[30] Westmeath Minotaurs | Facebook (2015) Westmeath Minotaurs Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12065840_1078155085529890_2779932276034449252_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=3673d2a991ca4920aad2e85dc589c794&oe=5CC01F4B [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[31] Irish American Football Association (2018) Wexford Eagles Team Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Wexford-Eagles.png [Accessed 21 January 2019]

[32] Irish American Football Association (2017) Admirals Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Admirals-PNG-1.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[33] Irish American Football Association (2017) UL Vikings Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/ULVikings-HI-RES-Logo.png [Accessed 30 November 2018]

[34] Waterford Wolves Twitter – Twitter Profile Image [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3322832460/9983db1ab02be8203c021435fd9cc127_400x400.png [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[35] Erris Rams Twitter – Twitter Profile Image [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/567881658/rsz_rsz_ramlogo_1_400x400.jpg [Accessed 6 July 2018]

[36] Irish American Football Association (2017) Galway Warriors Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Team-Logo-Galway-Warriors.png [Accessed 11 December 2018]

[37] Belfast Blitzers | Facebook (2019) Belfast Blitzers Logo [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67510518_2229601940484282_4045526367226298368_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_oc=AQl1RH5LGTyzP7JMEVoPCpPxclJUvZJLdfcQ4B410nJOwq86JZKgmCdGwLxt9Ohiu_LX86-8QPWKraapOFn6Q0ai&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=28e5b0bd6891c62c2b9a18b51ad283a1&oe=5DE33CA5 [Accessed 8 August 2019]

Yearly Results and Standings References



[5] (1988) “Ireland” American Football News. 18 August 1988. pg.

[6] (1988) “Shamrock Bowl report” American Football News. 29 September 1988. pg. 22

[1] Anon. (1992) “IRISH CHAMPION CELTS STUNG BY BULLDOG SPIRIT”First Down. July 11, 1992, pg. 17.

[7] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 2, 1992, pg. 65

[8] Anon. (1992) “Sad Celts are Torn to shreds”First Down. July 18, 1992, pg. 16.

[9] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Celts blown away”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 9, 1992, pg. 66

[10] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, July 16, 1992, pg. 69

[11] Anon. (1992) “Dublin Celts still winless”First Down. July 25, 1992, pg. 19.

[12] FD Reporter. (1992) “At last! It’s the Dub-win Celts!”First Down. August 15, 1992, pg. 17.

[13] Anon. (1992) “IRISH RESULTS”First Down. August 29, 1992, pg. 17.

[14] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Vikings ready to invade Tallaght”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 13, 1992, pg. 66

[15] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Tornadoes ko Vikings”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 20, 1992, pg. 61

[16] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, August 27, 1992, pg. 61

[17] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 3, 1992, pg. 94

[18] Anon. (1992) “Vikings Victory”Drogheda Independent. Friday, September 4, 1992, pg. 11

[19] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 10, 1992, pg. 70

[20] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: Gridiron grief for Dubs!”Evening Herald. Thursday, September 17, 1992, pg. 76

[21] Naughton, L. (1992) “Minority Reports: U.S. Football”Evening Herald. Thursday, October 8, 1992, pg. Sport 7

[22] (1993) “Tornadoes Bowl Glory”, First Down, October 9, 1993, pg. 20

[23] Carrickfergus Knights (1994) Knights American Football Club Carrickfergus Shamrock Bowl Programme. Belfast. Aldine Print

[24] Anon. (1994) Dublin Clinch CrownFirst Down. 8 October1994. p. 22

[25] Anon. (1994) ScoreboardFirst Down. 16 July 1994. p. 19

[26] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 9 July 1994. p. 19

[27] Anon. (1994) Lurgan Blank Belfast. First Down. 9 July 1994. p. 20

[28] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 2 July 1994. p. 19

[29] Anon. (1994) Scoreboard. First Down. 18 June 1994. p. 19

[30] Anon. (1994) Full Round-Up of BAFA’s Divisions Two and Three. First Down. 7 May 1994. pg. 21

[31] Anon. (1994) Chicago Knights maintain challenge. Carrick Times. 6 June 1994. pg. 60

[32] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes hit!. Evening Herald. Thursday, 21 April 1994 . pg. 54

[33] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 5 May 1994 . pg. 91

[34] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 26 May 1994 . pg. 68

[35] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes turn up the power. Evening Herald. Thursday, 28 July 1994. pg. 55

[36] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 11 August 1994. pg. 44

[37] Naughton, L. (1994) Tornadoes blow Knights away!. Evening Herald. Thursday, 25 August 1994. pg. 50

[38] Naughton, L. (1994) American Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 22 September 1994. pg.78

[39] Naughton, L. (1994) US Football. Evening Herald. Thursday, 29 September1994. pg.58

[40] Anon (1995) Tornadoes breeze past Carrickfergus to claim third straight Irish title. First Down. 7 October 1995, pg. 21.

[41] (1996) “US Football”, Evening Herald, Thursday, September 19, 1996, pg. 79


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[8] Irish American Football Association (2018) Shamrock Bowl History [Internet] Available from: hhttp://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-history/ [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[42] Dublin Tornadoes (1996) Irish American Football League 1995: The League Schedule ’95 / Results in ’95 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115060654/http://fiachra.ucd.ie/~alan/american_football.html#main_menu [Accessed 5 July 2017]

[43] Britball (2016) Shamrock Bowl Results www.britball.co.uk/history-index/ireland/shamrock-bowl-results-1986.html [Accessed 2 October 2016]

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[46] Dublin Tornadoes (1996) Irish American Football League 1995: The League Schedule ’95 / Results in ’95 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19961115060654/http://fiachra.ucd.ie/~alan/american_football.html#main_menu [Accessed 5 July 2017]

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[48] Carrickfergus Knights (1998) Full 1998 AFAI Results and Table [Internet] Available from: www.sugarcube.co.uk/knight/Full_1998_AFAI_Results_and.htm [Accessed 23 May 2000]

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[51] Irish American Football Association (2003) 2003 Results [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl/2003results.htm [Accessed 24 September 2016]

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[59] Irish American Football Association (2011) 2011 IAFL Schedule Published [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/2011-iafl-schedule-published/ [Accessed 24 March 2014]

[60] Irish American Football Association (2014) 2012 IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 13 January 2014]

[62] Irish American Football Association (2013) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 23 August 2013]

[63] Irish American Football Association (2014) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 23 August 2014]

[64] Irish American Football Association (2015) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2015]

[65] Irish American Football Association (2016) SBC 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/sbc-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[66] Irish American Football Association (2016) Journey to Thirty [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/journey-to-thirty/ [Accessed 8 August 2016]

[67] Irish American Football Association (2018) Shamrock Bowl History [Internet] Available from: hhttp://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-history/ [Accessed 23 March 2018]

[68] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL Shamrock Bowl Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-conference/ [Accessed 26 July 2018]

[69] Irish American Football Association (2018) SBC Schedule & Results 2018 [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/sbc-schedule-results-2018/ [Accessed 26 July 2018]

[81] Irish American Football Association – Wayback Machine (2015) 2014 IAFL 1 Conference standings & Schedule [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20150110221134/http://www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2018]

[82] Irish American Football Association (2015) UCD wins IAFL1 Championship; Tyrone wins IAFL2 Championship [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootball.ie/ucd-wins-iafl1-championship/ [Accessed 27 November 2018]

[83] Irish American Football Association (2015) IAFL Standings [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/iafl-standings/ [Accessed 14 July 2015]

[84] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 1 Conference [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/contact-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[85] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 1 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl1-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[88] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL-1 Conference Standings http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 24 July 2017]

[92] Irish American Football Association (2018) IAFL 1 Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl1-conference/ [Accessed 28 May 2018]

[93] Irish American Football Association (2018) IAFL1 Schedule & Results 2018 [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl-1-schedule-results-2018/ [Accessed 28 May 2018]

[94] Irish American Football Association (2016) IAFL 2 Conference [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/contact-football/iafl2-conference/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[95] Irish American Football Association (2014) IAFL 2 2016 Schedule [Internet] Available from: www.americanfootball.ie/schedule/iafl2-2016-schedule/ [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[96] Donegal Daily (2016) Donegal Derry Vipers on a Roll with six wins in a row [Internet] Available from: http://www.donegaldaily.com/2016/08/24/donegal-derry-vipers-on-a-roll-with-six-wins-in-a-row/ [Accessed 23 February 2017]

[97] Irish american Football Association (2016) Donegal Derry Vipers win IAFL2 Bowl in a spectacular game with Wexford Eagles [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/donegalderry-vipers-win-iafl2-bowl-spectacular-game-wexford-eagles/ [Accessed 1 September 2016]

[98] Irish American Football Association (2017) IAFL-2 Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/iafl2-conference/ [Accessed 28 August 2017]


[45] Dublin Celts American Football Team Facebook Page (2016) Post by Kevin Sharkey, August 27, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259540917772370/permalink/268518076874654/ [Accessed 6 June 2018]

[71] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1233266033373961 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[72] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1227508007283097 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[73] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 7 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1227556927278205:0 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[74] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 17 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1212468245453740 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[75] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 24 2016[Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1217083948325503 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[76] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 24 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1217246988309199 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[77] Carrickfergus Knights Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 30 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/CarrickKnights/posts/1067948010006303 [Accessed 2 August 2017]

[78] Dublin Rebels Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 30 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/dublinrebels/posts/617503018373620 [Accessed 2 August 2017]

[79] Irish American Football Association (2017) Facebook Post 14 August 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1619638348070059 [Accessed 14 August 2017]

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[86] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post August 14 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1233266033373961 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[87] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2016) Post July 17 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1212468245453740 [Accessed 26 October 2016]

[89] Irish American Football Association Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post July 23 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1596885733678654 [Accessed 24 July 2017]

[90] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 27 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1632046600162567 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[91] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 20 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1625971890770038 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[99] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 27 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1632046600162567 [Accessed 28 August 2017]

[100] IAFA Ireland Facebook Page (2017) Facebook Post August 20 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/iafaireland/posts/1625846934115867 [Accessed 28 August 2017]


[61] Dublin Rebels – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2008) News: 2008 League Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20081019054255/http://www.dublinrebels.com/news.php [Accessed 5 July 2017]

[70] Irish American Football Association – Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2017) IAFL Shamrock Bowl Conference Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20171115125115/http://www.americanfootball.ie/american-football/shamrock-bowl-conference/ [Accessed 18 January 2018]


Thanks to Nora Mulcahy, Dervla Kincaid, Orla Connolly-Mulcahy, Aedamar Kincaid & Isabella Kincaid.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eiirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 15 January 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019-2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

American Football Association of Ireland Festivals & Friendlies 1989


AFAI American Football Association of Ireland Festivals & Friendlies 1989

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2Bray Seahawks0100.000000L1

Note: Standings Calculated Automatically from Results – No Official Standings were kept by the AFAI for Festivals and Friendlies in 1989.


AFAI American Football Association of Ireland Festivals & Friendlies 1989