Tag: Conferencia 14 Grandes

ONEFA Mexico Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes 2021

ONEFA Logo [References: 7]


ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo 2021

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Borregos TEC Monterrey3001.0001072384W3
2Borregos TEC CEM2100.667594910W1
3Pumas Acatlan UNAM2100.6675370-17W2
4Águilas Blancas IPN1100.500553718L1
5Leones Anáhuac México1200.3333472-38L2
6Borregos TEC Puebla0200.0002446-22L2
7Linces UVM0200.0002459-35L2

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde 2021

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Autenticos Tigres UANL2001.000801367W2
2Burros Blancos IPN2001.000563620W2
3Borregos TEC Toluca1100.500634815L1
4Pumas UNAM1100.50035350L1
5Borregos TEC Guadalajara0200.0003656-20L2
6Potros Salvajes UAEM0200.0001395-82L2

Schedule Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo

Schedule Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde


After three weeks in the 2021 ONEFA Conferencia 14 Grandes season, Borregos TEC Monterrey were the only undefeated team in the Rojo (Red) Division and both Autenticos Tigres UANL (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon) and Burros Blancos IPN (Instituto Politecnica Nacional) undefeated on 2-0 in the Verde (Green) Division.


The ONEFA College Football Championship is one of the highlights of the Mexican American Football season, and was considered the National Championship from 1933 until recently, with challengers both the breakaway CONADEIP College League (2013 onwards) and the Liga Football Americano Profesional (LFA Mexico), a Major Pro League (2016 onwards).

There are a number of different eras in the ONEFA Championship, with UNAM Pumas and Condores UNAM the most successful teams. The Conferencia 14 Grandes (Big 14 Conference) was established in 2021, a level about the Conferencia Nacional (National Conference). It is a merger of the ONEFA 10 Grandes and CONADEIP with the Technology Colleges which started CONADEIP now back in the ONEFA fold.

Royalty-free stock photo ID: 2076956458

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México – November 17, 2021: Entrance to the UANL Tiger’s soccer stadium (Estadio de Fútbol Tigres de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León)

Entrance to the Tigres UANL Stadium in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MexicoF

By Forge Productions

References 2021

[1] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 1 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-1 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[2] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-2  [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[3] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 3 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-3 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[4] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 1 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-1 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[5] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-2 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[6] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 3 [Internet] Available from:  http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-3 [Accessed 26 November 2021]



[7] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]


Thanks to Francesco


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball – Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 26 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.