Tag: World Gridiron

A worn and aged vintage old style American football helmet. Authentic and game-worn 1950s style football face mask and helmet

Canadian Football League 1958

CFL Logo 1958 [References: 1][Cropped]


CFL Canadian Football League East Division 1958


CFL Canadian Football League West Division 1958



CFL Canadian Football League Playoffs 1958


1958 was the first official year of the Canadian Football League (CFL) and Winnipeg Blue Bombers greatest season ever, winning 13 games (a team record only beaten in 2022) and proceeding to win the Grey Cup by defeating Hamilton Tiger-Cats 35-28. Along the way in the playoffs they won the Western Final by two games to one versus Edmonton Eskimos who had knocked out Saskatchewan Roughriders in two games in the Western Semi-Final. The Eastern Final was won by Hamilton in two games versus Ottawa Rough Riders, who had eliminated Montreal Alouettes 26-12 in a single game in the Eastern Semi-Final. [References: S-1]

About the 1958 Canadian Football League

1958 was the first official year of the Canadian Football League, having broken away from the Canadian Rugby Union and adopted fully Gridiron Football rules like in the National Football League with a number of exceptions: 3-Downs to move the ball 10 yards or the ball is turned over rather than four in the NFL; 12 players on the Field at any one time rather than 11 in the NFL; and the possibility to score a Single (also known as a Rouge) where the ball is kicked through the back of the endzone but not through the goalposts. The Field is much bigger too – 110 yards long with 20 yard endzones rather than 100n yardsv long with 10 yard endzones as in the NFL.

Stock Image of 1950s Football Helmet

A worn and aged vintage old style American football helmet. Authentic and game-worn 1950s style football face mask and helmet Picture Credit: By Brocreative[Shutterstock]


Logo References

[1] Marcus Aurelius Nelson Facebook (2022) Photo & Post, 19 January 2023 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10160661803865050&set=gm.3468674473351543&idorvanity=1604657553086587 [Accessed 20 January 2023][Actual Photo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/326215543_740221097461125_4334037578557723754_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5cd70e&_nc_ohc=z-XdYUEGb_4AX85nzsY&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AfCDV4TbUWxj7b96-jNct1BW-UAz_BaBpbjYnZOvRyjm7Q&oe=63D05A5C ][Accessed 20 January 2023][Cropped]

Standings References

[S-1] CFL Wayback Machine Internet Archive (1999) CFL Standings: The 1950s [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19990203160244/http://www.cfl.ca/CFLArchives/1950s.html [Accessed 20 January 2023][Archived from the Original: http://www.cfl.ca/CFLArchives/1950s.html [Accessed 21 September 1999]


Thanks to Dave Stewart-Candy


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 20 January 2023

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2023

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

EFL European Football League Final Standings and Eurobowl Playoffs 1987-88

EFL Eurobowl Playoffs 1988

European Football League Eurobowl Tournament 1988

Match Day Eurobowl Qualification
(Eurobowl Qualification)
36 - 12

Graz Giants vs Dublin Celts

Match Day Eurobowl Quarter-Finals
(Eurobowl Quarter-Finals)
43 - 24

Berlin Adler vs Graz Giants

(Eurobowl Quarter-Finals)
51 - 6

Helsinki Roosters vs Paris Castors

(Eurobowl Quarter-Finals)
0 - 68

Zurich Renegades vs Frogs Legnano

(Eurobowl Quarter-Finals)
27 - 31

London Ravens vs Amsterdam Crusaders

Match Day Eurobowl Semi-Finals
(Eurobowl Semi-Finals)
33 - 35

Frogs Legnano vs Helsinki Roosters

(Eurobowl Semi-Finals)
29 - 28

Amsterdam Crusaders vs Berlin Adler

Match Day Third Place Playoff
(Third Place Playoff)
28 - 3

Frogs Legnano vs Berlin Adler

Match Day Eurobowl II Final
(Eurobowl II Final)
35 - 14

Helsinki Roosters vs Amsterdam Crusaders

AIFA Italy Serie A 1987

AIFA Associazione Italiana Football Americano Girone A 1987

1Warriors Bologna11100.95846794
2Doves Bologna10110.87535669
3Skorpions Varese6600.500189255
4Giaguari Torino5700.417205227
5Panthers Parma57000.417140260
6Seahawks Bellusco21000.16788304
7Tauri Torino21000.16779315

AIFA Associazione Italiana Football Americano Girone B 1987

1Frogs Legnano12001.00037054
2Rhinos Milano10200.83330274
3Falchi Modena7500.583208153
4Mastini Ivrea6600.500194243
5Chiefs Ravenna4800.333119257
6Squali Genova21000.167124280
7Pharaones Garbagnate11100.08378334

AIFA Associazione Italiano Football Americano Girone C 1987

1Angels Pesaro12001.00033538
2Towers Bologna8400.667215146
3Dolphins Ancona6600.500130163
4Condor Grosseto5700.417145151
5Gladiatori Roma4710.37579123
6Grizzlies Roma3810.292153199
7Aquile Ferrara3900.25055292

AIFA Associazione Italiana Football Americano Girone D 1987

1Seamen Milano11100.91745979
2Jets Bolzano10200.833353128
3Redskins Verona8400.667216303
4Lions Bergamo5700.417173189
5Saints Padova4800.333201218
6Muli Trieste4800.333175248
7Green Machine Camposampiero01200.00047459

AIFA Italy Serie A Playoffs 1987

AFVD Germany 1. Bundesliga 1987

AFVD German 1. Bundesliga Nord Gruppe A 1987

1Düsseldorf Panther73032011614
2Cologne Crocodiles73024313214
3Cologne Red Barons64019113012
4Hamburg Dolphins55013420310
5Bonn Jets4601641738
6Düsseldorf Bulldozer01000583640

AFVD German 1. Bundesliga Nord Gruppe B 1987

1Berlin Adler10005087120
2Monheim Sharks73019214914
3Dortmund Giants55021518210
4Assindia Cardinals55014116410
5Hilden Hurricanes2801053394
6Recklinghausen Chargers190553112

AFVD Germany 1. Bundesliga Süd Gruppe A 1987

1Badener Greifs100047210720
2Hanau Hawks73022610314
3Mannheim Redskins3701423016
4Mainz Golden Eagles22096884
5Stuttgart Scorpions190643832
6Bad Homburg Falken040401090

AFVD Germany 1. Bundesliga Süd Gruppe B 1987

1Noris Rams7101875014
2Kempten Comets5301429010
3Ansbach Grizzlies (AFVD)5101213510
4Munich Cowboys170942102
5München Rangers04023930
6Rothenburg Knights000000

Note 1: Rothenburg Knights pulled out of league after 2 games (Record: 0-2-0 3-101 0)

Note 2: Results of a number of games involving Mainz Golden Eagles, Bad Homburg Falken, Ansbach Grizzlies and Muenchen Rangers not known.

AFVD German 1. Bundesliga Playoffs 1987

Match Day Playoffs - Achtelfinale
(Playoffs - Achtelfinale)
24 - 28

Cologne Red Barons vs Dortmund Giants

(Playoffs - Achtelfinale)
28 - 6

Ansbach Grizzlies (AFVD) vs Mainz Golden Eagles

(Playoffs - Achtelfinale)
10 - 32

Monheim Sharks vs Cologne Crocodiles

(Playoffs - Achtelfinale)
0 # - 20

Hanau Hawks vs Kempten Comets

Match Day Playoffs - Viertelfinale
(Playoffs - Viertelfinale)
48 - 6

Badener Greifs vs Dortmund Giants

(Playoffs - Viertelfinale)
88 - 2

Berlin Adler vs Kempten Comets

(Playoffs - Viertelfinale)
21 - 27

Düsseldorf Panther vs Ansbach Grizzlies (AFVD)

(Playoffs - Viertelfinale)
21 - 16

Noris Rams vs Cologne Crocodiles

Match Day Playoffs - Halbfinale
(Playoffs - Halbfinale)
21 - 17

Berlin Adler vs Noris Rams

(Playoffs - Halbfinale)
13 - 7

Badener Greifs vs Ansbach Grizzlies (AFVD)

Match Day German Bowl IX
(German Bowl IX)
37 - 12

Berlin Adler vs Badener Greifs

Note 3: Dates of games not known.

Britain Budweiser League National Division 1987

Budweiser League National Division Northern Conference 1987

1*Manchester Allstars10001.000387117
2*Fylde Falcons640.600342205
3Newcastle Senators (R)370.300124360
4Glasgow Lions370.300121200
5Manchester Spartans280.200137330

Budweiser League National Division Eastern Conference 1987

1*Luton Flyers820.800293136
2*Chelmsford Cherokee820.800202115
3CMK Coventry-Milton Keynes Bucks550.500209267
4Northants Stormbringers370.300177212
5Cambridge Cats (R)091.050152361

Budweiser League National Division Western Conference 1987

1*Leicester Panthers910.900318149
2*Birmingham Bulls730.700224132
3Nottingham Hoods730.700217154
4Cardiff Tigers (R)280.200131280
5Swindon Steelers (R)181.150138263

Budweiser League National Division Southern Conference 1987

1*London Ravens10001.00041286
2*London Olympians640.600266121
3Slough Silverbacks550.500243214
4Thames Valley Chargers460.400168207
5Steel City Giants (R)0100.00057424

BAFA Budweiser League National Division Playoffs 1987

FFFA France Casque d’Or 1987

FFFA France Casque d'Or Poule A 1987

1Joinville Anges Bleus6001301518
2Aix-en-Provence Argonautes420946414
3Paris Hurricanes150381076
4Antony Cherokees15018944

FFFA France Casque d'Or Poule B 1987

1Paris Spartacus5101431216
2Montpellier Wolfmen4201042914
3Fonteney Météores240288710
4Paris Wild Turkey150211686

FFFA France Casque d'Or Poule C 1987

1Paris Jets6001514818
2St. Etienne Titans231439911
3La Corneuve Flash24074739
4Paris Rangers14130789

FFFA France Casque d'Or Poule D 1987

1Paris Castors5102402116
2Paris Challengers510826616
3Lyon Samouraïs2406711410
4Nantes Drakkars060402286

FFFA France Casque d'Or Playoffs 1987

Note: 2 Pts Win, 1 Pt Tie, 0 Pts Loss, 1 Pt Match Played.

Note: A number of teams forfeited matches thus receiving 0 points for those matches.

SAJL Finland Vaahteraliiga Maple League 1987

SAJL Finland Vaahteramalja Maple League 1987

1Helsinki Roosters80135612217
2Turku Trojans7112569315
3Helsinki Colts72033516414
4Espoo FT Scotch72021410814
5Tampere Rocks4501742578
6Pori Bears4501482308
7East City Giants2611391745
8Oulu Northern Lights270813314
9Jyväskylä Rangers1711472543
10Vantaa Terrikulen AFT0721762932

SAJL Finland Vaahteraliiga Maple League 1987

Match Day Playoffs
24 - 3

Helsinki Roosters vs Helsinki Colts

28 - 7

Turku Trojans vs Espoo FT Scotch

Match Day Bronze Game
(Bronze Game)
49 - 24

Espoo FT Scotch vs Helsinki Colts

Match Day Vaahteramalja - Maple Bowl VIII
(Vaahteramalja - Maple Bowl VIII)
14 - 7

Helsinki Roosters vs Turku Trojans


NAFF Nederlandse American Football Federatie Playoffs 1987

Match Day Tulip Bowl III
(Tulip Bowl III)
47 - 13

Amsterdam Crusaders vs The Hague Raiders

SAFV Switzerland Meisterschaft 1987

SAFV Switzerland Meisterschaft Ost 1987

1Lugano Seagulls7100.8753041914
2Zurich Renegades7100.8752131514
3Bülach Giants3500.3751021266
4Zurich Bay Bandits2600.250691844
5Aarau Outlaws1700.125233672

SAFV Switzerland Meisterschaft West 1987

1Bienna Jets8001.0002644216
2Basilisk Mean Machine5300.62515412210
3St. Gallen Raiders5300.6251439210
4Berner Grizzlies1700.125501722
5Mendrisio Smugglers1700.125482312

SAFV Switzerland Meisterschaft Playoffs 1987

AFBÖ Austrian Football League 1987

AFBÖ Austrian Football League Playoffs 1987

Match Day Austrian Bowl III
(Austrian Bowl III)
20 - 0

Graz Giants vs Salzburg Lions

Note 5: Final Standings not known.

AFAI Irish American Football League 1987

IAFL Mourne Conference 1987

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
3Carrickfergus Cougars4600.40099126-27L1

IAFL Tara Conference 1987

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
4Bangor Buccaneers4600.40067221-154W1

Irish American Football League Playoffs 1987

Match Day Semi-Finals
20 - 28

Belfast Blitzers vs Craigavon Cowboys

43 - 0

Dublin Celts vs Belfast Giants

Match Day Shamrock Bowl II
(Shamrock Bowl II)
43 - 25

Dublin Celts vs Craigavon Cowboys


Eurobowl Playoffs 1988

Ireland’s Dublin Celts lost 36-12 in Austria to Graz Giants on 1 November 1987 in the Eurobowl Qualifying game. Graz Giants went on to compete in the Eurobowl Tournament proper in England from the 30 July 1988 to 7 August 1988.

The Helsinki Roosters won Eurobowl II behind the strong running of American Mike Kane who scored three touchdowns in their shock 35-33 defeat of favourites Frogs Legnano from Milan, Italy in the Semi-Finals, and then bettered that by scoring four touchdowns in the Roosters 35-14 triumph at Crystal Palace in London, in the Eurobowl II Final.

Frogs Legnano defeated Berlin Adler 28-3 in the Third Place Playoff.

National Bowl Games 1987

Qualifying for the Eurobowl Tournament 1988 was by winning the European Football League members’ National Bowl Game in 1987. Dublin Celts triumphed 43-25 over Craigavon Cowboys in Shamrock Bowl II to represent Ireland. The Celts met Austrian Bowl Champions Graz Giants in a Qualifying game after Graz won Austrian Bowl III 20-0 versus Salzburg Lions.

Italian Champions were Legnano Frogs who were victorious by 27-24 versus Seamen Milano in Super Bowl VII to win the 28-team Italian League. Berlin Adler were the German representatives after winning German Bowl IX 37-12 over Badener Greifs in the 24-team German 1. Bundesliga. British representatives London Ravens triumphed 40-23 over Manchester Allstars to take Britbowl III and the 20-team British Budweiser League National Division.

French Champions Paris Castors had a surprisingly easy 75-0 victory over Paris Jets to win the 16-team Casque d’Or for the Casque d’Or VI title. The ten team Finnish Maple League was won by Helsinki Roosters who triumphed 14-7 versus Turku Trojans in Maple Bowl VIII. Amsterdam Crusaders defeated The Hague Raiders 47-13 to win Tulip Bowl III in the Netherlands and in Switzerland Zurich Renegades won the 2nd Swiss Meisterschaft with an 8-0 win over Lugano Seagulls.

Map of Europe 2022

Map of Europe. [M-1] Map Contributor: Rainer Lesniewski (2022) Stock Vector ID: 151344206 europe map [Internet] Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/europe-map-151344206 [Accessed 12 June 2022]

Flag Map of European Union 2022

Europe map and European Union flag.
Europe map and European Union flag. Friendship and cooperation concept. Vector illustration Vadi Fuoco [Internet] Available from: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/europe-map-european-union-flag-friendship-2082203368 [Accessed 24 December 2022]


Eurobowl Playoffs


[EU-1] Football History | Wayback Machine (2015) Eurobowl 1988 [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20151119234614/http://football-history.de/ [Accessed 27 April 2019]

[EU-2] Britball Now (2016) Eurobowl II, hosted in the United Kingdom, 1988 [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/History/European%20Competitions/EurobowlII.html [Accessed 11 January 2016]


[EU-3] Robertshaw, Neil et al (1988) Euro Bowl | Euro Crown Comes Home to Roost American Football News. August 11, 1988. pg. 19.


[I-1] Warriors Bologna (2022) Enciclopedia del football Italiano – 1987 – Associazione Italiana Football Americano [Internet] Available from: https://www.warriorsbologna.it/public/Enciclopedia/PDF/1987_aifa.pdf [Last Accessed 27 December 2022]


[D-1] Astreas Stojalowski / Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2003) 1. Bundesliga Nord 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20030530102128/http://astreas.stojalowski.de/1bundesliga/1987/NORD.HTM [Accessed 6 June 2021]

[D-2] Astreas Stojalowski / Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2003) 1. Bundesliga Sued 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20030530101845/http://astreas.stojalowski.de/1bundesliga/1987/SUED.HTM [Accessed 6 June 2021]


[GB-1] Anon. / Mark Lees (Ed.)(1987) “Results – Standings – Fixtures: Bud Playoffs: National” First Down. August 8, 1987. pg. 16. Mediawatch Ltd. Charlbury, Oxfordshire, England, UK.


[F-1] Conf’Ouest (2001) Championnat Casque d’Or 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://confouest.free.fr/champion.htm [Accessed 18 April 2001][Broken Link]


[NL-1] Lucky Show (2019) American Football in Holland – Tulip Bowl [Internet] Available from: http://www.luckyshow.org/football/Tulip_Bowl.htm [Accessed 27 December 2022]


[SF-1] SAJL (2017) Vaahteraliiga – Sajataulukko 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://www.sajl.org/selaus/sarjataulukko.php?sarja=1&kausi=1987 [Accessed 22 December 2017]

[SF-2] SAJL (2017) Vaahteraliiga – Otteluohjelma 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://www.sajl.org/selaus/otteluohjelma.php?sarja=1&kausi=1987  [Accessed 22 December 2017]

[SF-3] Helsinki Roosters (2002) Maple League 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://www.roosters.fi/tila87.htm [Accessed 17 January 2002][Broken Link][Available on the Wayback Machine Internet Archive at: https://web.archive.org/web/20020107211626/http://www.roosters.fi/tila87.htm ][Accessed 27 December 2022]


[CH-1] SAFV / Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2005) Rangliste / Classement 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20051228232142/http://www.safv.ch/ [Accessed 5 June 2020]

[CH-2] SAFV / Wayback Machine Internet Archive (2005) Meisterschaft American Football 1987 [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/19981205013147/http://safv.ch/mei1987.htm [Accessed 5 June 2020]


[AUT-1] AFBÖ Austrian Football League (2020) Österreichische Meister [Internet] Available from: https://football-austria.com/austrian-bowl-champions [Accessed 18 April 2020]



[IRL-12] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1987] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]

[IRL-13] Anon. (1987) “Weekend Sport: American Football” Belfast Telegraph. April 27, 1987. pg. 29.

[IRL-12] Britball Now (2016) Results Section [1987] [Internet] Available from: http://www.britballnow.co.uk/history-index/results-section.html [Accessed 23 March 2017]

[IRL-38] Anon. (1987) “American football in town” Drogheda Independent. Friday, September 11, 1987. pg. 13 [Past Editions of the Drogheda Independent can be viewed online at https://www.irishnewsarchive.com/ [Accessed 18 July 2019]

Logo References – Ireland

[1] Dublin Celts American Football Team Facebook Page (2016) Photo by Joseph Greene August 28, 2016 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1421158977901127&set=gm.269427200117075&type=3&theater&ifg=1 [Accessed 3 July 2018]

[2] Coleraine Chieftans (2002) Coleraine Chieftans: Chief Image [Internet] Available from: http://www.thecolerainechieftans.freeservers.com/images/chief.gif [Accessed 18 July 2018]

[3] Craigavon Cowboys – Twitter Account (2018) Profile Picture [Internet] Available from: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/864100166680424448/TCauLbnj_400x400.jpg [Accessed 22 July 2018]

[4] Belfast Blitzers Facebook Page (2019) Post, August 12, 2019 at 1:31 PM [Internet] Available from:  https://www.facebook.com/belfastblitzers/posts/2244208692356940?notif_id=1565921781157641&notif_t=comment_mention [Accessed 17 August 2019]

[6] Belfast Blitzers Facebook Page (2021) Post to Page by Belfast Blitzers, 5 February 2021: [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/146339398_3535274803250316_484236705150193506_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=2&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=APIfzLRulaMAX9g3LLc&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=72bcf54f0435a9ab26cd035a8d2cf7c7&oe=604502C2 [Accessed 5 February 2021]

[11] Dublin Tornadoes Football Helmet – Authors’ Personal Collection – Purchased at http://www.417helmets.com


Thanks to Jo Buchanan (Craigavon Cowboys), Kevin Sharkey (Dublin Celts) and David Turner (Belfast Blitzers)


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

REirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 28 December 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

football helmet beside football on gray asphalt road

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano 2022

LEXFA Division Premiere 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division Premiere 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2Supermans Bizarros420.6671316962W1
3Demonios ST420.66713211022L2
4Carneros Toluca Premium330.50082126-44W1

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division Premiere Playoffs 2022

Match Day Finale Division Premiere
(Finale Division Premiere)
29 - 18

Legends vs Supermans Bizarros

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
0 - 20

Demonios ST vs Supermans Bizarros

(Playoffs Round 1)
21 - 18

Legends vs Carneros Toluca Premium

[References: 1, 7-9]

LEXFA Division 1 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 1 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Dragones Aztecas6001.0001688979W6
4Spartans Ojo de Agua330.50015410450W1
5Toritos Texcoco330.5001181180L1
7Black Thunder240.33343127-84L1

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 1 Playoffs 2022

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
20 - 19

Bufalos vs Myrmidons

(Playoffs Round 1)
27 - 12

Spartans Ojo de Agua vs Toritos Texcoco

Match Day Playoffs Round 2
(Playoffs Round 2)
32 - 28

Jugosos vs Bufalos

(Playoffs Round 2)
20 - 19

Dragones Aztecas vs Spartans Ojo de Agua

Match Day Finale Division 1
(Finale Division 1)
14 - 40

Jugosos vs Dragones Aztecas

[References: 2, 7-9]

LEXFA Division 2 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 2 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2Tigres Coacalco420.6671429844W2
4Aztecas Ojo de Agua240.333124150-36L1

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 2 Playoffs 2022

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
30 - 7

Gavilanes vs Mamilas

(Playoffs Round 1)
29 - 7

Tigres Coacalco vs Aztecas Ojo de Agua

Match Day Finale Division 2
(Finale Division 2)
33 - 27

Gavilanes vs Tigres Coacalco

[References: 3, 7-9]

LEXFA Division 3 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 3 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Supermans B510.83317410668L1
2Black Demons510.8331549658W5
4Head Hunters420.6671248143W1
5Gamos CUM420.6671651578L1
6Carneros Toluca Senior330.50015610056W1
7Jags Ojo de Agua240.33396112-16L2
8Spartans Silver150.1671041555-51L3

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 3 Playoffs 2022

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
18 - 26

Zopilotes vs Carneros Toluca Senior

(Playoffs Round 1)
48 - 40

Gamos CUM vs Head Hunters

Match Day Playoffs Round 2
(Playoffs Round 2)
29 - 20

Black Demons vs Gamos CUM

(Playoffs Round 2)
16 - 20

Supermans B vs Carneros Toluca Senior

Match Day Finale Division 3
(Finale Division 3)
28 - 14

Black Demons vs Carneros Toluca Senior

[References: 4, 7-9]

LEXFA Division 4 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 4 2022

3Pig Machine330.500126113L2

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 4 Playoffs 2022

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
23 - 22

Orcas vs Jokers

(Playoffs Round 1)
20 - 21

Pig Machine vs Peleadores

Match Day Playoffs Round 2
(Playoffs Round 2)
30 - 33

Titanes vs Peleadores

(Playoffs Round 2)
25 - 38

Silverbacks vs Orcas

Match Day Finale Division 4
(Finale Division 4)
24 - 29

Orcas vs Peleadores

[References: 5, 7-9]

LEXFA Division 5 2022

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 5 2022

2Puercos Salvajes420.667157147L1
4Delfines de Acero330.500114101W3
5Buhos Toluca240.333170191W2

LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano Division 5 Playoffs 2022

Match Day Playoffs Round 1
(Playoffs Round 1)
28 - 22

Hellfish vs Panteras

(Playoffs Round 1)
21 - 22

Delfines de Acero vs Buhos Toluca

Match Day Playoffs Round 2
(Playoffs Round 2)
33 - 26

Centauros vs Buhos Toluca

(Playoffs Round 2)
22 - 6

Puercos Salvajes vs Hellfish

Match Day Finale Division 5
(Finale Division 5)
14 - 40

Centauros vs Puercos Salvajes

[References: 6-9]


Of interest to Irish readers in the LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano in 2022 was the Peleadores team – Spanish for Fighters – the team were originally called Fighting Irish and continue to use the Notre Dame Fighting Irish Leprechaun Mascot Logo. Peleadores played in Division 4 in 2022, and although the six divisions from the Premiere down to Division 5 are organised according to ability there were a number of Inter-Division games during the regular season for all 42 teams. [References: 1-6]

Peleadoes looked certain of a playoff spot after going 2-2 in their first four games but lost their lastv two to finish the regular season 2-4 and in sixth place, just about doing enough to qualify for the Division 4 playoffs ahead of Sooners who had also finished 2-4 after winning their final two games. Peleadores scored eight more points than Sooners (124 to 116) to make the playoffs. [References: 5]

Once in the playoffs the Peleadores found form at the right time, winning their Round 1 match-up with Pig Machine 21-20. Then in Round 2 they met Division Title Winners Titanes (4-2) again winning by a slim margin, 33-30. Now in the Finale of Division 4 they met Orcas who after losing their first three games were now on a five-game winning streak, including two playoff victories, but once again the team which referenced the Irish Community in Mexico came good, winning the Division 4 Championship by a Final Score of 29-24. [References: 7-9]

The overall title was won by Legends who triumphed over Supermans Bizarros by 29-18 to take the Premiere title. Division 1 went to Dragones Aztecas who defeated Jugosos 40-14; Division 2 winners were Gavilanes who won 33-27 versus Tigres Coacalco; Division 3 Champions were Black Demons who won 28-14 versus Carneros Toluca Senior; and Division 5 honours went to Puercos Salvajes who beat Centauros 40-14. [References: 9]

About LEXFA Lega Extrema de Football Americano

LEXFA – Lega Extrema de Football Americano is a Mexican Major League Arena Indoor Football League based in Mexico City and surrounding areas. It has been running since 2009 and features for the 2022 season 42 teams organised in six divisions according to ability. There are Inter-Division games during the six-game regular season before each division plays two or three rounds of playoffs depending on the division. A team referencing the Irish connection with Mexico – Peleadoes – the team was originally called Fighting Irish and continues until 2022 to use the Notre Dame Fighting Irish Mascot Logo.

Mexican-Irish Football Helmet

football helmet beside football on gray asphalt road
Photo by Ricardo CL on Pexels.com


[1] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division Premiere Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-premiere-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[2] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division 1 Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-1-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[3] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division 2 Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-2-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[4] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division 3 Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-3-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[5] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division 4 Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-4-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[6] LEXFA (2022) Tabla de Posiciones Division 5 Otono 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/table/division-5-otono-2022/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[7] LEXFA (2022) Otono 2022 Playoffs Round 1 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/calendar/otono-2022-playoffs-w1/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[8] LEXFA (2022) Otono 2022 Playoffs Round 2 [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/calendar/otono-2022-playoffs-semis/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]

[9] LEXFA (2022) Otono 2022 Playoffs Finales [Internet] Available from: https://arenafootball.com.mx/calendar/2022-final-round/ [Accessed 26 December 2022]


Thanks to John Gunning


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 26 December 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only. Eirball has no official connection with LEXFA.

JXL Japan X-League X1 Super 2022


JAFA Japan X-League X1 Super Division A 2022

PosTeamWLTPFPANet PtsStreakPts

JAFA Japan X-League X1 Super Division B 2022

PosTeamWLTPFPANet PtsStreakPts

Rice Bowl Tournament and Relegation

JAFA Japan X-League X1 Super Playoffs 2022

Note: For Rice Bowl Box-Score and Scorers please click on the game in Question (Fujitsu Frontiers 29 Panasonic Impulse 21)


JAFA Japan X-League X1 Super 2022

Match Day Match Day 1
(Match Day 1)
17 - 10

Elecom Kobe Finies vs Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers

(Match Day 1)
49 - 0

Fujitsu Frontiers vs Tokyo Gas Creators

(Match Day 1)
35 - 10

IBM Big Blue vs Tainai Deers

(Match Day 1)
14 - 24

All-Mitsubishi Lions vs Asahi Beer Silver Star

(Match Day 1)
30 - 10

Panasonic Impulse vs Nojima Sagamihara Rise

(Match Day 1)
10 - 42

Otonari Fukuoka Suns vs Obic Seagulls

Match Day Match Day 2
(Match Day 2)
49 - 35

IBM Big Blue vs All-Mitsubishi Lions

(Match Day 2)
69 - 21

Fujitsu Frontiers vs Otonari Fukuoka Suns

(Match Day 2)
55 - 7

Panasonic Impulse vs Tainai Deers

(Match Day 2)
31 - 21

Nojima Sagamihara Rise vs Asahi Beer Silver Star

(Match Day 2)
17 - 19

Tokyo Gas Creators vs Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers

(Match Day 2)
14 - 14

Obic Seagulls vs Elecom Kobe Finies

Match Day Match Day 3
(Match Day 3)
17 - 10

Obic Seagulls vs Tokyo Gas Creators

(Match Day 3)
31 - 7

Elecom Kobe Finies vs Otonari Fukuoka Suns

(Match Day 3)
68 - 0

Panasonic Impulse vs Asahi Beer Silver Star

(Match Day 3)
7 - 40

Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers vs Fujitsu Frontiers

(Match Day 3)
27 - 24

IBM Big Blue vs Nojima Sagamihara Rise

(Match Day 3)
26 - 28

All-Mitsubishi Lions vs Tainai Deers

Match Day Matchday 4
(Matchday 4)
7 - 38

Elecom Kobe Finies vs Fujitsu Frontiers

(Matchday 4)
73 - 0

Panasonic Impulse vs All-Mitsubishi Lions

(Matchday 4)
21 - 6

Nojima Sagamihara Rise vs Tainai Deers

(Matchday 4)
28 - 21

IBM Big Blue vs Asahi Beer Silver Star

(Matchday 4)
17 - 35

Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers vs Obic Seagulls

(Matchday 4)
9 - 13

Otonari Fukuoka Suns vs Tokyo Gas Creators

Match Day Matchday 5
(Matchday 5)
42 - 3

Nojima Sagamihara Rise vs All-Mitsubishi Lions

(Matchday 5)
45 - 14

Panasonic Impulse vs IBM Big Blue

(Matchday 5)
17 - 19

Tokyo Gas Creators vs Elecom Kobe Finies

(Matchday 5)
21 - 18

Fujitsu Frontiers vs Obic Seagulls

(Matchday 5)
10 - 7

Asahi Beer Silver Star vs Tainai Deers

(Matchday 5)
22 - 52

Otonari Fukuoka Suns vs Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers

Matchday Reports

Matchday 1 (10-11 September 2022)

In Matchday 1 of the 2022 Japan X-League X1 Super Division A there were wins for IBM Big Blue (35-10 versus newly promoted Tainai Deers), 2021’s Rice Bowl runners-up Panasonic Impulse (30-10 versus Nojima Sagamihara Rise) and newly promoted Asahi Beer Silver Star (24-14 at All-Mitsubishi Lions).

In Division B the victorious teams were defending Rice Bowl Champions Fujitsu Frontiers (49-0 versus Tokyo Gas Creators), Elecom Kobe Finies (17-10 versus newly promoted Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers) and Obic Seagulls (42-10 at Otonari Fukuoka Suns). [References: 1-2]

Matchday 2 (24-25 September 2022)

Matchday 2 wins for Panasonic Impulse (55-7 versus Tainai Deers) and IBM Big Blue (49-35 versus All Mitsubishi Lions) put them both on 2-0 and in command of Division A. Nojima Sagamihara Rise and Asahi Beer Silver Star were both on 1-1 just behind the two front-runners after Nojima Sagamihara defeated the Silver Star 31-21. Deers and Lions were both 0-2.

Division B was now a clear path for defending champions Fujitsu Frontiers after their 69-21 defeat of newly-promoted Otonari Fukuoka Suns who remain on 0-2 along with Tokyo Gas Creators who lost 17-19 to the other newly-promoted team in Division B Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers. Second place was held jointly by Obic Seagulls and Elecom Kobe Finies, both on 1-0-1 after a 14-14 tie at Akitsu Soccer Field. [References: 1-2]

Matchday 3 (8-10 October 2022)

Panasonic Impulse (68-0 victors over Asahi Beer Silver Star) and IBM Big Blue (27-24 winners versus Nojima Sagamihara Rise) continued to set the pace on 3-0 in Division A. Tainai Deers joined Silver Stars and Rise on 1-2 as the newly promoted team defeated All-Mitsubishi Lions 28-26 to register their first win in the topflight.

Division B was a three horse race by the end of Matchday 3, as Fujitsu Frontiers (3-0) defeated Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers 40-7 in a double bill at Kobe Oji Stadium that also featured the other Rice Bowl contestant from 2021 versus Asahi Soft Drinks brother Asahi Beer. Obic Seagulls and Elecom Kobe Finies were just half a game behind Fujitsu with wins over Tokyo Gas Creators (17-10) and Otonari Fukuoka Suns (31-7) respectively. [References: 1-2]

Matchday 4 (22-23 October 2022)

Panasonic Impulse and IBM Big Blue kept their 100% record through Matchday 4 as the Impulse won handsomely against All Mitsubishi Lions 73-0 and IBM Big Blue struggled to win 28-21 versus Asahi Beer Silver Star. The Division A Championship would now come down to the final game of the regular season between both teams. In the other match in Division A Nojima Sagamihara Rise improved to 2-2 with a 21-6 win over Tainai Deers in Kawasaki.

Fujitsu (4-0) defeated Elecom Kobe Finies (2-1-1) 38-7 in a top-of-the-table clash in Division B to put one hand on the Division B Trophy with just one Matchday to go. The Frontiers, however, would be meeting Obic Seagulls in the last Matchday after the Seagulls improved to 3-0-1 with a 35-17 victory over Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers at the Expo ’70 Commemorative Stadium in Osaka. The final match of Matchday 4 was a 13-9 victory for Tokyo Gas Creators over Otonari Fukuoka Suns in a battle of two winless teams. [References: 1-2; 6]

Matchday 5 (5-6 November 2022)

In Division A Nojima Sagamihara Rise improved to 3-2 with a 42-3 victory over All-Mitsubishi Lions (0-5) while Asahi Beer Silver Star (2-3) bested Tainai Deers (1-4) 10-7 in a low-scoring encounter. The big game in Division A saw two teams with perfect records match-up in Kobe Oji Stadium, with Panasonic Impulse winning easier than expected given their records, defeating IBM Big Blue 45-14.

Division B saw Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers improve to 2-3 with a 52-22 defeat of Otonari Fukuoka Suns (0-5) while Elecom Kobe Finies improved to 3-1-1 with a 19-17 victory at Tokyo Gas Creators (1-5). Division B’s big match-up was between 2021’s Rice Bowl Champions Fujitsu Frontiers and Obic Seagulls with Frontiers (5-0) prevailing 21-18 in a close encounter over the Seagulls (3-1-1). [References: 1-2; 7]

Playoffs Preview (19-20 November 2022)

The Top four teams in each Division reach the Playoffs with Cross-Division Match-Ups in Round 1 (Quarter-Finals). Last years Rice Bowl winners Fujitsu Frontiers (5-0) host Asahi Beer Silver Star (2-3) in a match the Frontiers should easily win. 2021’s Rice Bowl runners-up and 2022 Division A Champions Panasonic Impulse (5-0) likewise should have little trouble defeating Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers (2-3). The other two quarter-finals are harder to judge with IBM Big Blue (4-1) coming up against Elecom Kobe Finies (3-1-1) and Obic Seagulls (3-1-1) hosting Nojima Sagamihara Rise (3-2) in Yokohama Stadium. [References: 1-2; 8]

The relegation match-ups pit Tokyo Gas Creators (1-4) against All Mitsubishi Lions (0-5) and Tainai Deers (1-4) against Otonari Fukuoka Suns (0-5). [References: 8]

Playoffs Round 1 (19-20 November 2022)

In the Relegation Round 1 Playoffs Tokyo Gas Creators (2-4 all games) defeated All Mitsubishi Lions 13-7 (0-6) and Tainai Deers (2-4) won 41-30 versus Otonari Fukuoka Suns (0-6) in a far higher-scoring contest at Yokohama Stadium as part of a double-header.

The third match on Saturday 19 November 2022 saw Panasonic Impulse (6-0) struggle to beat Asahi Soft Drinks Challengers (2-4) 38-28 in the Rice Bowl Playoffs Round 1 at Yodoko Sakura Stadium. The following day at Yokohama Stadium in a triple-header Elecom Kobe Finies (4-1-1) provided a minor shock in defeating IBM Big Blue (4-2) 35-25, defending Champions Fujitsu Frontiers (6-0) defeated Asahi Beer Silver Star (2-4) 53-3 in a blow-out and Obic Seagulls (4-1-1) triumphed 21-9 versus Nojima Sagamihara Rise (3-3). [References: 8]

Playoff Semi-Finals (11-12 December 2022)

Panasonic Impulse and Fujitsu Frontiers set up a rematch of the 2021 Rice Bowl after defeating Obic Seagulls 30-10 and Elecom Kobe Finies 39-21 respectively in the Semi-Finals. For Fujitsu it shall be a chance to repeat while Panasonic shall be looking for revenge after defeat in Rice Bowl 2021. [References: 9]

Rice Bowl 76 (3 January 2023)

Despite falling behind 14-0 early on thanks to two Mitchell Victor Jamano Touchdown runs for Panasonic Impulse, Fujitsu Frontiers captured their second Rice Bowl in a row thanks to three Touchdown runs by their own Trashawn Nixon, the first one pulling them to within four points at the half, the second bringing the Frontiers back into the game after Panasonic’s Quarterback Jaylon Henderson found Watanabe Jamal for a 10-yard Touchdown Pass and then Nixon’s third Rushing TD, which earned him the MVP (Most Valuable Player) Award and put Fujitsu 29-21 up following the Frontiers go-ahead Passing TD from QB Tsubasa Takagi to Kyohei Kokaji which put Fujitsu 22-21 up. Frontiers still had to defend for the Final 3 minutes 14 seconds of the match, and despite good 25 yard drive by Panasonic it was ended with Fujitsu’s Defensive Back Takutoshi Takaoka taking his second Interception of the day. Final Score: Fujitsu Frontiers 29 Panasonic Impulse 21 [References: 10] Note: For Rice Bowl Box-Score and Scorers please click on the game in Question (Fujitsu Frontiers 29 Panasonic Impulse 21) in the Rice Bowl Tournament Scoreboard Above.

About Japan X-League X1 Super 2022

The Japan X-League X1 Super is the top Division of American Football in Japan playing for the Rice Bowl, Japan’s equivalent of the Super Bowl. The Rice Bowl is in its’ 76th season this year, starting out as a University All-Star game between East and West in 1947. After 24 wins for Kanto and 12 for Kansai the Rice Bowl became in 1984 a contest between the University Champions and the Social (Club) Champions. Ritsumeikan University Panthers were in 2009 the last University Champions to win the Rice Bowl and in 2021 the Rice Bowl became the sole possession of the X-League after growing concern for the safety of the University players who were younger and less experienced than their Social counterparts, all of whom could boast American professionals in star positions. For 2022 the X-League X1 Super (the top division in Japanese American Football) added four new teams promoted from the X1 Area League – Asahi Beer Silver Star, Asahi Soft Drinks Club Challengers, Tainai Deers and Otonari Fukuoka Suns. The X1 Super was divided into two divisions of six (A and B) to accomodate the promoted teams.

Photo of the 1st German Japan Bowl in Dusseldorf, Germany. 24 April 2010

Picture Credit: D. Young / Shutterstock (2010) DUSSELDORF, GERMANY – APRIL 24: The 1st German Japan Bowl. The action that lead to Japans last touch-down gathers momentum. On April 24, 2010 in Dusseldorf, Germany [Accessed 4 May 2021]


[1] Japan X-League (2022) Win-Loss table [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/standing [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[2] Japan X-League (2022) Schedule & Results [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[3] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Fall 1 [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-autumn-1 [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[4] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Fall 2 [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-autumn-2 [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[5] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Fall 3 [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-autumn-3 [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[6] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Fall 4 [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-autumn-4 [Accessed 25 October 2022]

[7] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Fall 5 [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-autumn-5 [Accessed 12 November 2022]

[8] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday Post [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-post [Accessed 21 November 2022]

[9] Japan X-League (2022) Matchday RBT [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/schedule/2022/2022-x1-super-rbt [Accessed 15 December 2022]

[10] XLeague Japan (2023) Fujitsu wins back-to-back Rice Bowl with run attack explosion, Panasonic! Seventh Japan [Google Translate] [Internet] Available from: https://xleague.jp/news/36485 [Accessed 3 January 2023]


[27] X-League (2021) fujitsu [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/fujitsu.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[28] X-League (2021) obic [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/obic.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[29] X-League (2021) impulse [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/impulse.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[30] X-League (2021) elecom [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/elecom.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[31] X-League (2021) ibm [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/ibm.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[32] X-League (2021) tokyogas [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/tokyogas.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[33] X-League (2021) hel-lions [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/hel-lions.png  [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[34] X-League (2021) rise [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/rise.png [Accessed 4 August 2021]

[35] Japan X League (2022) silver [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/silver.png [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[36] Japan X League (2022) challengers [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/challengers.png [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[37] Japan X League (2022) fukuoka-suns [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/fukuoka-suns.png [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[38] Japan X League (2022) deers [Internet] Available from: https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/xleague/images/team/icon/deers.png [Accessed 20 October 2022]


Thanks to John Gunning (Japan Times and Inside Sport Japan) and Caoilfhionn NicFhearai


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 3 January 2023

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021-2023

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.The Logos, Videos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only. Eirball is not officially connected with or endorsed by the Japan X-League.

ARLINGTON, USA - SEP 15, 2015: Interior view of the AT&T Stadium, formerly known as Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. Texas, United States [Photo Credit; David J. Maldonaldo on Shutterstock.com]

NFL National Football League Preseason 2022

NFL Preseason Standings 2022

AFC American Football Conference East Division Preseason 2022


AFC American Football Conference North Division Preseason 2022


AFC American Football Conference South Division Preseason 2022


AFC American Football Conference West Division Preseason 2022


NFC National Football Conference East Division Preseason 2022


NFC National Football Conference North Division Preseason 2022


NFC National Football Conference South Division Preseason 2022


NFC National Football Conference West Division Preseason 2022


Eirball’s NFL Preseason Standings 2022

NFL National Football League Preseason East 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

NFL National Football League Preseason North 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

NFL National Football League Preseason South 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

NFL National Football League Preseason West 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

Eirball has presented the NFL Preseason Standings for 2022 as per Geographic Division rather than Conference and Division because during the short preseason NFL teams usually play mostly teams from the same Geographic Region i.e. AFC Teams usually play NFC teams, AFC North Teams usually play NFC North Teams and so on. For Official NFL Preseason Standings for 2022 please see Reference: [S-5]

NFL Preseason Schedule 2022

NFL National Football League Preseason 2022

Match Day Hall of Fame
(Hall of Fame)
27 - 11

Las Vegas Raiders vs Jacksonville Jaguars

Match Day Preseason Week 1