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KNKB Frisian Kaatsen Men’s Championship 2019

KNKB Dutch Handball Logo [References: 1]


Pos.NamePlace (Hometown)1st2nd3rdPoints
1Tjisse SteenstraBeetgumermolen147359
2Gert-Anne van der BosHolwerd, Mantgum153455
3Taeke TriemstraSt.-Jacobiparochie134552
4Marten Pieter BergsmaMinnertsga105242
5Hendrik KootstraMinnertsga65331
6Renze Pieter HiemstraZweins, St.-Annaparochie, St.-Jacobiparochie, Deinum56330
6Menno van ZwietenPeins, Heerenveen28830
8Hans WassenaarTzumamrum, Leeuwarden55227
8Erwin ZijlstraOosterlittens36627
10Dylan DrentHarlingen45224
11Bauke TriemstraSt.-Jacobiparochie26422
11Kees van der SchootSexbierum, Leeuwarden25622
13Jelte-Pieter DijkstraHeerenveen14314
13Thomas van ZuidenTjerkwerd, Bolsward4614
15Enno KingmaWesthoek, Wier, Leeuwarden4513
16Laas Pieter van StratenMenaldum, Stiens, Finkum3312
16Allard HoekstraFraneker13312
18Pier PiersmaHardegarijp, Leeuwarden, Witmarsum, Oosterlittens217
18Sjoerd de JongDongjum, St.-Annaparochie, St.-Jacobiparochie, Leeuwarden237
18Pieter Jan PlatSt.-Annaparochie, Leeuwarden237
21Hylke R. BruinsmaRied, Minnertsga26
22Hijltje BosmaFerwoude, Makkum115
22Marten FeenstraBerlikum, Finkum, Vrouwenparochie135
24Gabe-Jan van PoptaLollum114
24Paul DijkstraBeetgum24
24Yannick HielkemaBeetgum24
27Remmelt BoumaWeidum13
27Simon ZijlstraOosterlittens13
27Jelte VisserFirdgum, Sexbierum13
27Willem HeeringaTzummarum, Leeuwarden13
27Alle Jan AnemaGrouw, Roordahuizum, Heerenveen113
27Eevrt Pieter TolsmaWinsum113
27Auke BoomsmaMorra33
34Sybren VisserHeerenveen12
34Gerrit Jan DuivenHidaard12
34Bauke DijkstraOosterend, Franeker12
34Daniël IsegerGoutum, Huizum, Leeuwarden12
34Sip Jaap BosAnjum, Groningen22
34Haye Jan NicolayBritsum22
40Rick PoortstraSt.-Jacobiparochie11
40Jelle Jaap StiemsmaLioessens11
40Gerben Hein WijtsmaLioessens11
40Johannes van der VeenTzummarum, Pietersbierum11
40Jouke BosjeWelsrijp, Leeuwarden11
40Pieter Jan LeijenaarExmorra11
40Menno GalemaBolsward11
40Gjalt Sjirk de GrootMantgum11
40Jelle CnossenBolsward11
40Ignas DijkstraMantgum11
40Klaas Pier FolkertsmaWons11


Tjisse Steenstra of Beetgumermolen won his 10th “Kingship” in Frisian Handball in 2019, with 59 points from 14 first places, 7 seconds and three thirds. He finished four points ahead of Gert-Anne van der Bos of Holwerd, Mantgum with Taeke Triemstra of St.-Jacobiparochie in third on 52 points.


Kaatsen is a Frisian version of Handball that was first codified in 1853 by the Franeker de P.C. oprichten (Permanente Commissie). On 7 June 1897 it became part of the Nederlands Kaats Bond and then in 1934 became independent again as the CFK, de Christelijke Friese Kaatsbond. In 1994 it again merged with thE KNKB. It is Primarily played in Franeker in Friesland.

From the KNKB Website:

By bouncing (Kaatsen) is meant:
Two teams that fight each other by passing the ball to each other. This involves a storage party (service) and a returning party. In the scoring, 4 winning strokes yield a first / game (game) and in addition to direct winning strokes, there are undecided strokes (bounce = wooden marker), which later yield points after switching functions.

Frisian handball originated in the 12th century in cloisters in France and therefore found its way north via Belgium.
Bounce was first played on squares throughout the Netherlands by the ‘hegerein’ (well-to-do), only later on grass. When the nobles withdrew more to the tennis courts with their game, handball became a game for ‘the common people’.”

Map of Friesland, Netherlands



[1] KNVB (2020) resize [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 October 2020]


[2] Kaatshistorie (2020) Klassement [heren][2019] [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 5 May 2021]

[3] KNVB (2020) Kaatsen (Bounce): History [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 October 2020]


[4] KNVB (2020) resize [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 23 October 2020]


Thanks to Enda Fahy

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 5 May 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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