

Date Time League Season Match Day
April 19, 2019 Postponed AMFA Moroccan Football League 2019 Week 3

Salè Black Mambas

Position FG Safety PAT 2XP TD Comp Att Pass Yds Rush Att Rush Yds Rec Rec Yds Int Lng Fum Lost FR Tckl Solo Asst Sack PR KR Punt PYds PAvg BFG OR

Rabat Lions

Position FG Safety PAT 2XP TD Comp Att Pass Yds Rush Att Rush Yds Rec Rec Yds Int Lng Fum Lost FR Tckl Solo Asst Sack PR KR Punt PYds PAvg BFG OR



[5] Association Marocaine de football américain Facebook (2019) April 19, 2019: “

We inform you that the opposing matches:
lan Casablanca Stars Vs Shark
as Black Mambas Vs Lions
Will be postponed after RAMADAN .

[Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/moroccoamericanfootball/posts/2769611519745600 [Accessed 20 November 2021]