Elite Ice Hockey Leagues

Elite Ice Hockey Leagues are primarily composed of countries within the Commonwealth of Nations. These Leagues are based on the National Hockey League (North American) rules and rink sizes rather than the European (Olympic) system of rules and rink sizes. These Leagues include the Elite Ice Hockey League (UK) and Australian Ice Hockey League.

Elite Ice Hockey Leagues

Elite Ice Hockey League; Ice Hockey Superleague; English National Ice Hockey League

UK & British Ice Hockey Leagues

Elite Ice Hockey League (Britain & Ireland) (Overviews)

Elite Ice Hockey League 2010-2018

Elite Ice Hockey League 2003-2010

Ice Hockey Superleague 2000-03

Elite Ice Hockey League (Seasons): 

2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16

Ice Hockey Superleague (Seasons):


Elite Ice Hockey League (Challenge Cup):


Elite Ice Hockey League (Preseasons):


Celtic International Ice Hockey Leagues

Celtic League / Celtic Cup

Celtic League | Ice Hockey 2008-2010

Picture Credit: [5] Elite Ice Hockey League (2019) EIHL Logo 2017 [Internet] Available from: https://eliteleague.co.uk/wp-content/themes/wp-eihl/assets/2x/logo-2017@2x.png [Accessed 19 August 2019]