This is a record of AA (4th Level Regional Leagues). AA American Football Leagues are Regional Professional Leagues or Amateur whereby the players can keep their College Eligibility, that come below the National Football League, AAA American Football Leagues and NCAA College Football. They are Regional in character i.e. being entirely based in either the Northeast/East Coast; Midwest; South or West.
Picture Credit: [1] Gridiron Development Football League | Facebook (2019) Profile Picture June 24, 2019 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2019]
AA American Football Leagues
Eastern Football League; Anthracite Football League;
Eastern Football Leagues
Anthracite Football League 1923-1924
Eastern Football League 1926-1927
Anthracite Football League 1928-1929
American Football Association 1936-1941
American Football League 1946-1950
Mid-Western Football Leagues
Mid-West Football League 1936-1937
United Football League 1961-1964
Southern Football Leagues
Dixie Football League 1936-1941
The Spring League 2017-Present
Gridiron Developmental Football League 2015-2019
Gridiron Development Football League (Seasons): 2020
Western Football Leagues
Pacific Coast Football League 1926
Pacific Coast Pro Football League 1934-1935
Salinas Packers | California Pro American Football 1936-1937
California Football League 1938