X-League and Legends Football Leagues
The Lingerie Bowl was first played in 2004 as a rival to the Super Bowl half-time show which was seen by many fans as two long and boring. It was aired on a rival TV network and featured two teams of scantily-clad Women. The Bowl eventually came a fully-fledged league in 2009. The Lingerie was replaced by bikinis, and the League renamed the Legends Football League. In 2020 the League was again renamed the X-League, and bikinis replaced by bicycle shorts and crop-tops
X – Legends Football Leagues (7v7 Arena Indoor Leagues)
Photo by Gerardo Aguilera on Pexels.com
X-League (Seasons):
2021 *
2020 *
(*Cancelled due to Covid)
Legends Football League United States (Seasons):
United States Legends Football League (Bowls)
Legends Football League Legends Bowls 2004-2019
US Legends Football League (Overviews)
Legends Football League United States 2013-2019
Lingerie Football League (Overviews)
Lingerie Football League 2009-2012
World Legends Football Leagues
Legends Football League Global 2012-2014
Legends Football League Pacific Cup 2012-2013
LFL Global (Seasons)
(Irish-Born Linda Holland played for Western Australia Angels)
Legends Football League Australia 2013-2014
Pretty Girls Football League (Mexico – Overviews)