Dublin & Belfast Intercity Cup Finals (All-Ireland Soccer) 1941-1949

Irish Football Association Original Logo 1885-1950 [Reference: 1]
Football Association of Ireland Logo 1945-1985 [Reference: 2]

Finals 1941-1949

1941-42Dundalk1 *Shamrock Rovers0
1942-43Shamrock Rovers2 +Bohemians2
1943-44Glentoran5Belfast Celtic4
1944-45Bohemians3Belfast Celtic2
1945-46Shamrock Rovers3Bohemians2
1946-47Shamrock Rovers4Drumcondra1
1947-48Belfast Celtic2Distillery1
1948-49Shamrock Rovers3 *Dundalk0
Dublin & Belfast Intercity Cup Finals (All-Ireland Soccer) 1941-1949 [Reference: 3]

Note: Aggregate Scores – Played over two Legs. * One Leg only. +Shamrock Rovers won on Corners.


Shamrock Rovers won four of the Dublin & Belfast Intercity Cup Finals held between 1941-42 and 1948-49 in a effort at cross-border co-operation between the Irish Football Association (Northern Ireland) and the Football Association of Ireland (Republic of Ireland). Belfast Celtic and Glentoran won two for Northern Ireland while Dundalk and Bohemians in the South also won Cups for the South.



[1] SeekLogo (2020) IFA Badge Original [Internet] Available from: https://seeklogo.com/images/I/ifa-badge-original-logo-0F09BCB415-seeklogo.com.png [Accessed 1 October 2020]

[2] Logopedia (2020) FA_Ireland_1945-1986_logo [Internet] Available from: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/3/34/FA_Ireland_1945-1986_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20171113175104 [Accessed 1 October 2020]


[1] Joanne Harkness (2020) “North/South Roll of Honour” Malcolm Brodie Northern Ireland Soccer Yearbook 19/20 pg. 68-69.


Thanks to Jason Caldwell, Alan McCormack, Paul Nolan, Andrew McGovern, Colm Murray, Niall Brennan.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 1 October 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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