Winners 1950-2005
Year | Shrove Tuesday Winning Team | Winning Player |
1950 | Country | Denis Ellery |
1951 | Town | Desmond Stephens |
1952 | Town | Pat Morris |
1953 | Country | Tony Williams |
1954 | Town | George Roseveare |
1955 | Country | Graham Wills |
1956 | Town | Tony Hawkey |
1957 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1958 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1959 | Town | Ivan Smith |
1960 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1961 | Town | Tony Hawkey |
1962 | Town | Michael Tabb |
1963 | Town & Country | Lost Ball ! |
1964 | Town | Gary Hawken |
1965 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1966 | Town | Richard Rundle |
1967 | Town | Ivan Smith |
1968 | Town | David Green |
1969 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1970 | Town | Allan Chapman |
1971 | Town | Geoffrey Cole |
1972 | Country | Michael Weldhen |
1973 | Town | David Osborne |
1974 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1975 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1976 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1977 | Town | Mike Hitchens |
1978 | Town | Brian Hellings |
1979 | Town | Tony Parkin |
1980 | Town | Tony Parkin |
1981 | Town | Bill Scott |
1982 | Town | Stuart Nicholas |
1983 | Town | Darren Austerfield |
1984 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1985 | Town | Bill Scott |
1986 | Town | Iain Robinson |
1987 | Town | David Rogers |
1988 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1989 | Country | Rundle Weldhen |
1990 | Country | Sean Johns |
1991 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1992 | Country | Robert Weldhen |
1993 | Town | Sid Bennett |
1994 | Town | Mark Windebank |
1995 | Country | Philip Ellery |
1996 | Country | Alex Cole |
1997 | Town | Jamie Lomax |
1998 | Town | Darren Hawkey |
1999 | Town | Sean Johns |
2000 | Town | Mark Coleman |
2001 | Town | Mark Coleman |
2002 | Town | Phil Morris |
2003 | Town | Sean Johns |
2004 | Town | Nick Gregory |
2005 | Country | Adam Ellery |
Every Shrove Tuesday in St. Columb’s, Cornwall, the game of Hurling is played between ‘Town’ and ‘Country’. The night before resembles a ghost town as all the shops are boarded up and shuttered before the game is played the next day. There are no limits to the numbers of players in the game, with each player playing for either the ‘Town’ or ‘Country’. The game kicks off with the words “Town and Country do your best. but in this parish I must rest.”.
Traditionally, the game was played between the men of St. Columb, but is now played by the children. [3]
The Game can last a few minutes or it can last hours depending on how quickly the winning team can get the ball to the goal. The winning player who carries the ball to the goal has the option of keeping the ball and paying for a new one by a local craftsman. On the 4th March 2003 Sean Johns won it for the ‘Town’, his third time winning it. In 2002 Scot Bennett became the youngest ever winner, at 11-years-of-age. After the match is over another tradition is partaken , when the silver ball is dipped in the winners drink. [1]
The ball is constructed traditionally, out of silver with an applewood core, taken from a local orchard.
[1] BBC Cornwall (2003) Hurling at St. columb in the 21st Century [Internet] Available from; [Accessed 7 March 2018]
[2] The Beehive | Internet Archive (2006) Hurling Winners 1950-2005 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 13 June 2019]
[3] St. Ives Web Community TV (2013) The St. Ives Feast and the Silver Ball [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 13 June 2019]
Thanks to Ciaran Columb.
About this document
Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the
Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive
Last Updated: 16 July 2020
(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019-2020
You are may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.