East European Football
This is a Statistical History of East and Central European American Football Leagues. leagues covered are CIS, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Alpe Adria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria.
East European National Leagues
National flag of CIS on a flagpole Photo Contributor: Millenius
Russia and CIS (FAFR)
Commonwealth of Independent States (LAF, ELAF)
League of American Football 2016-2018
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (AAF USSR)
Ukraine (ULAF)
ULAF (Results):
Visegrád Group European National Leagues
Visegrád Group member states political map. Visegrád Four, V4. Cultural and political alliance of Central European countries Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Image Contributor: Peter Hermes Furian
Poland (PLAF):
Polish League of American Football 2006-2010
Czech Republic (ČAAF)
CAAF Ceska Asociace Americkaho Fotbalu (Czech Republic) 1994-1999
Slovakia (SAAF)
Slovak Football League Champions 2010-2017
Slovak Football League (Seasons):
Hungary (HFL / MAFSZ)
Balkan National Leagues
Southeast Europe Region. Colorful map of countries of Balkan Peninsula. Vector illustration. Image Contributor: Pyty
Alpe Adria (AAFL)
AAFL Alpe Adria Football League
Alpe Adria Football League 2013-2015
Slovenia (ZANS)
ZANS Zveza za Ameriski Nogomet Slovenije
ZANS Zveza va Ameriski Nogomet Slovenije (Slovenia American Football League) 1. Liga 2010-2013
Serbia (SAFS)
SAFSrbija (Serbian American Football League) 2004-2006
Bulgaria (FAFB)
FAFB Federation of American Football – Bulgaria Федерация по Американски Футбол – България