Tag: Mexican American Football

FAM Fútbol Americano de México 2022

Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX 2021 Logo / References: [1]


FAM Fútbol Americano de México 2022

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak

References: [4]

Playoff Schedule

FAM Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX Playoffs 2022

Match Day Semi-Finals
40 - 0

Rojos CDMX vs Marlins Los Cabos

27 - 23

Parrilleros Monterrey vs Caudillos Chihuahua

Match Day Silver Bowl (Balon de Plata)
(Silver Bowl (Balon de Plata))
14 - 21

Parrilleros Monterrey vs Rojos CDMX

References: [2]

Season and Playoffs Report

Regular Season Report (29 April – 26 June 2022)

In an extremely competitive 2022 Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX regular season five teams finished within a game of the league champions: Rojos CDMX, Parrilleros Monterrey and Marlins Los Cabos all finished on 6-2 and Caudillos Chihuahua and Tequileros Jalisco both finishing on 5-3. With only four teams making the playoffs Tequileros Jalisco were the unlucky one of the five. Pioneros Queretaro and Jefes Ciudad Juarez both finished 3-5 and Bulldogs EdoMex and Tiburones Cancun both finished 1-7. [References: 2-4]

Playoffs Report (3-16 July 2022)

Rojos CDMX advanced to the Silver Bowl (Balon de Plata) with a superlative 40-0 defeat of Marlins Los Cabos while Parrilleros de Monterrey had a close 27-23 win over Caudillos Chihuahua to meet Rojos in the Silver Bowl. The Silver Bowl itself, played two weeks later was also a close game with one touchdown separating the teams in the end as Rojos CDMX won 21-14 versus Parrilleros Monterrey. [References: 3]

Promotion / Relegation

After the season, Rojos CDMX, Caudillos Chihuahua and Jefes Ciudad Juarez were all admitted to the Liga de Futbol Americano Mexico, the premier league of American Football in Mexico. On 30 September 2022 the league announced it was suspending operations for 2023.

About the 2022 FAM Fútbol Americano de México Season

After a year out due to Covid-19, the Mexican American Football Professional 2nd Level has announced its teams for 2022 – 2019 FAM Champions Pioneros Queretaro make a return to the league after spending one season (2020) in LFA Liga de Futbol Americano (1st Level). Returning teams from 2020 include Tequileros Jalisco, Bulldogs EdoMex (who play in Naucalpan, home city of the Irish Institute in Mexico), Rojos CDMX (all played in the Division Voit – essentially the Central Division – in 2020), Caudillos Chihuahua and Marlins Los Cabos (both played in Division BWW – essentially the North Division – in 2020). Ciudad Juarez have a new team for 2022 with Raramuris replacing Centauros. Meanwhile the one totally new team is Tiburones Cancún, situated in the South East on the Caribbean Coast.

Mexico Map Showing Location of 2022 Teams

Mexico map and flag – highly detailed vector illustration – FAM Futbol Americano Mexico Team Logos added by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie

[13] 123RF (2022) Mexico map and flag – highly detailed vector illustration Image ID: 78267524 Copyright: dikobrazik [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_78267524_mexico-map-and-flag-highly-detailed-vector-illustration.html?vti=o7a7x8rghuckf7jo01-1-64 [Accessed 9 January 2022]


Logo References

[1] Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, October 1, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SoyFAM/photos/a.313791665810924/1157981154725300 [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/243975476_1157981144725301_5976282175303498072_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=Qo2I_JmgLisAX-wjLcn&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT9X_t19zyJk6wUoUmYC93whP-3WobSQbR0yC7PEG02N8A&oe=61E0F1DC ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

Schedule References

[2] Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX (2022) Rol de Juegos [Internet] Available from: https://ligafam.mx/rol-de-juegos/ [Accessed 20 October 2022]

[3] Futbol Americano de Mexico FAM-YOX Facebook (2022) Photo, July 11, 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SoyFAM/photos/a.344573676066056/1343102609546486/  [Accessed 20 October 2022][Actual Photo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/293145749_1343102606213153_6500144104005262343_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=bpbnmKteC9QAX9LAUCt&_nc_oc=AQnJePuVAAQqRaRhxkvKGE8dOuVDs9e3FlwpcDA7xxAquNsFqepaFfQAXm6ox1yWPfU5Q8AM7F0wp0RtGHrzh8F9&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-yslySBYkqkMU5h6SuDdl3ZtVZT8diJpV2rexJ9Yt9lg&oe=635764A9 ][Accessed 20 October 2022]

[3A] Soy-FAM Instagram (2021) Tweet, December 17, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXlxrVwMBdu/ [Accessed 9 January 2022]

[3B] Soy-FAM Instagram (2021) Tweet, December 15, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXhLjm-Fdwc/ [Accessed 9 January 2022]

Standings References

[4] Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX (2022) Tabla General [Internet] Available from: https://ligafam.mx/table/tabla-general-fam-yox-2022/ [Accessed 9 January 2022][Last Accessed 20 October 2022]

Team Logos References

[5] Bulldogs FAM Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, September 29, 2018 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/BulldgosFAM/photos/a.341802449697833/345447915999953/ [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/42867087_345447922666619_2807588158248583168_n.png?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=CxmnBGOHsl4AX_C8vCt&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT_tiE-J3J7s33yImMznWCP7PUMR35HKliFyKtKiQFko0Q&oe=61FFC6AC ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[6] Caudillos Profootball Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, May 24, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/CaudillosChihuahua/photos/a.110937056909345/488969399106107/ [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/191271286_488969402439440_5646880913696692590_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=v9qXsFFSWHkAX-I_Vn0&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT9-Xkt5Ptlkmoqt8cRNpRKMp-L-da2I36fjDuvzVfoeqQ&oe=6200D918 ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[7] Marlins Los Cabos Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 30, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/marlinsloscabospro/photos/a.113455850056540/764910724911046/   [Accessed 9 January 2022][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/258768017_764910718244380_5785321910681526315_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=ntc26ZdR9a0AX86fyZC&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT9X7zd16MejmgakcTz1srDWprFjPL1x-NvHK0CvZ57GAw&oe=61DF729A ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[8] Pioneros de Queretaro Facebook (2019) Profile Picture, March 13, 2019 [Internet] Available from:  https://www.facebook.com/PionerosQueretaro/photos/a.312818059325778/356245418316375  [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/53921531_356245421649708_1781715436979617792_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=Dn0vvddghZ8AX-9UYuM&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=1ba917a778991792f7ce39c7764ddb48&oe=61BF9309  ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[9] Raramuris Pro Football Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 23, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=290832646380986&set=a.126222399508679 [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/253213500_290832643047653_812853683359621004_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=jWDioG3u84gAX-7MiOn&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-JC_2hms2ttsrdpMbj-SMVCNrOF0TXhb4BYH5yCO8Obw&oe=61E02FF7 ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[10] Rojos CDMX Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, January 18, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/RojosCDMX1/photos/a.102909838308570/140459801220240 [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/140020586_140459804553573_6584903847032002314_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=P2f6npqWxmsAX8IS8IX&tn=7uF7rGUPgPXI7zGG&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-SXAAnXSbQUTswh16pDKRz3U1dVj7L2qGFAgYOf4254Q&oe=620074D6 ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[11] Tequileros Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, October 11, 2019 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/TequilerosFam/photos/a.958706434338670/1160402594169052/ [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/72543276_1160402597502385_878079860071727104_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=n4K2q_RHTUwAX-NqlWY&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-9Jzem4aBKuSrJxSTPAC7XgfnzPSmqQoGcUemxpmqyeQ&oe=6200F5C7 ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[12] Tiburones Cancún Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 23, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=334163385353529&set=a.132529012183635 [Accessed 9 January 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/268864058_334163382020196_4578828546919654486_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=Sy0fI9vIpfsAX8-q0Zn&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT8fwyxCHDrkxKaX9jLJEQWU3iII3GQadJtXsh51CRArEA&oe=61DFE18B ][Accessed 9 January 2022]

[13] Futbol Americano de Mexico FAM-YOX Facebook (2022) Photo, June 27, 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SoyFAM/photos/a.402599810263442/1332776060579141/  [Accessed 20 October 2022][Actual Photo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/290377190_1332776053912475_6593636309953832551_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=AiSP6eUxeIQAX9h44gc&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-7vYl09eP3Z_KCg8rwVRZZE4cg3_5xFU1Nf4qP5HKwEQ&oe=635722D2 ][Accessed 20 October 2022]

[14] Futbol Americano de Mexico FAM-YOX Facebook (2022) Photo, July 3, 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SoyFAM/photos/a.402599810263442/1337448313445249/  [Accessed 20 October 2022][Actual Photo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/292169454_1337448306778583_127101066979287101_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=XMcg1y-sCcwAX89NJN4&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT-iM4qUoFAGI0OftJyArHzucLRMBDq8LmEZm3LmLH1q1Q&oe=635754CD ][Accessed 20 October 2022]

Communication References

[15] Fútbol Americano de México FAM-YOX (2022) Photo, 30 September 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/SoyFAM/photos/a.466047063918716/1398959447294135 [Accessed 20 October 2022]


Thanks to Caroline Mitchell and Francesco.


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 9 January 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2022

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Liga de Futbol Americano (Mexico) Schedule 2022

Liga de Futbol Americano (Mexico) Logo 2020
Liga de Futbol Americano (Mexico) Logo 2020 [References: 9]


LFA Liga de Futbol Americano 2022


Standings calculated automatically from results. Please visit LFA website for Official Standings in Reference 1a.

** Qualify for Semi-Finals. *Qualify for Playoffs Round 1 – Fundidores Nuevo Leon (2-0) finish second based on better head-to-head record than Mexicas CDMX (1-1 ) and Raptors EdoMex (0-2) – Head-to-Head Results: Week 2 March 13: Raptors EdoMex 8 Mexicas CDMX 10; Week 3 March 18: Fundidores Nuevo Leon 27 Mexicas CDMX 13; Week 4 March 25: Fundidores Nuevo Leon 23 Raptors EdoMex 20.

Playoff Schedule

Schedule taken from LFA Official website in [Reference: 1]. Please visit the website for more on the LFA, including rosters and video footage. Please click on Tazon Mexico in the Schedule Above for a Game recap and Quarter-by-Quarter Scorers. [References: 1c]

Regular Season Schedule

LFA Liga de Futbol Americano 2022

Match Day Week 1
(Week 1)
7 - 10

Mexicas CDMX vs Dinos Saltillo

(Week 1)
10 - 13

Reyes Jalisco vs Raptors Edomex

(Week 1)
9 - 33

Galgos Tijuana vs Gallos Negros Querétaro

Match Day Week 2
(Week 2)
24 - 17

Dinos Saltillo vs Fundidores Nuevo León

(Week 2)
8 - 10

Raptors Edomex vs Mexicas CDMX

(Week 2)
12 - 19

Gallos Negros Querétaro vs Reyes Jalisco

Match Day Week 3
(Week 3)
27 - 13

Fundidores Nuevo León vs Mexicas CDMX

(Week 3)
24 - 10

Dinos Saltillo vs Gallos Negros Querétaro

(Week 3)
10 - 0

Reyes Jalisco vs Galgos Tijuana

Match Day Week 4
(Week 4)
23 - 20

Fundidores Nuevo León vs Raptors Edomex

(Week 4)
46 - 12

Mexicas CDMX vs Reyes Jalisco

(Week 4)
6 - 14

Galgos Tijuana vs Dinos Saltillo

Match Day Week 5
(Week 5)
34 - 6

Dinos Saltillo vs Reyes Jalisco

(Week 5)
40 - 0

Raptors Edomex vs Galgos Tijuana

(Week 5)
10 - 13

Gallos Negros Querétaro vs Fundidores Nuevo León

Match Day Week 6
(Week 6)
28 - 9

Fundidores Nuevo León vs Galgos Tijuana

(Week 6)
16 - 11

Mexicas CDMX vs Gallos Negros Querétaro

(Week 6)
28 - 27

Raptors Edomex vs Dinos Saltillo

Match Day Week 7
(Week 7)
35 - 24

Reyes Jalisco vs Fundidores Nuevo León

(Week 7)
22 - 30

Galgos Tijuana vs Mexicas CDMX

(Week 7)
19 - 28

Gallos Negros Querétaro vs Raptors Edomex

Schedule taken from LFA Official website in [Reference: 1]. Please visit the website for more on the LFA, including rosters and video footage.

Week / Semana Recaps

Week / Semana 1 Recap

With three new teams debuting in the first LFA season since COVID shut down the 2020 season after five games, there was a lot of uncertainty in week 1 of the Liga de Futbol Americano in Mexico. Two of those new teams: Galgos Tijuana (Tijuana Greyhounds) and Gallos Negros (Black Cockerels) Queretaro met in Tijuana, with Gallos Negros coming out convincing winners, 33-9. The other expansion team, Reyes Jalisco (Jalisco Kings) were at home in Guadalajara to Raptors EdoMex, but came out on the losing side 10-13. The third match of the weekend saw the capital city side Mexicas CDMX lose 7-10 in Mexico City to Dinos Saltillo. Reference: [1]

Week / Semana 2 Recap

Dinos Saltillo moved to 2-0 with a 24-17 victory over Fundidores Nuevo Leon at Estadio Francisco I. Madero, in Fundidores first game of the 2022 season. Mexicas CDMX and Raptors EdoMex both stand on 1-1 after Mexicas close 10-8 victory at FES Acatlan in EdoMex. The third game of the weekend between Gallos Negros Queretaro and Reyes Jalisco was postponed until 17 April. [Reference: 1].

Week / Semana 3 Recap

Dinos Saltillo won their third game of the year 24-10 versus Gallos Negros Queretaro to go 3-0, two wins ahead of nearest rivals, Reyes Jalisco, Raptors EdoMex, Gallos Negros Queretaro, and Fundidores Nuevo Leon all of whom stand at 1-1. Fundidores defeated Mexicas CDMX 27-13 to gain their first victory, and leaving Mexicas at 1-2 in the process. Expansion franchise Galgos Tijuana fell to 0-2 after losing 0-10 to Reyes Jalisco. [References: 1-1b]

Week / Semana 4 Recap

Dinos Saltillo continued to be the team to beat in LFA 2022, going 4-0 with a 14-6 victory at Galgos Tijuana, who drop to 0-3. The biggest win of the week, however, belonged to Mexicas CDMX, who won 46-12 at Reyes Jalisco. The Mexicas improve to 2-2 at the Reyes drop to 1-2. A big game between Fundidores Nuevo Leon and Raptors Edomex, both 1-1 coming into the game, went 23-20 to Fundidores. [References: 1-1b]

Week / Semana 5 Recap

Dinos Saltillo went to 5-0 with a 34-6 defeat of Reyes Jalisco who fell to 1-3. Raptors EdoMex made a move for the playoffs with a 40-0 defeat of Galgos Tijuana who fell to 0-4 as the Raptors moved to 2-2. Fundidores Nuevo Leon looked assured of a playoff spot after defeating Gallos Negros Queretaro 13-10 to improve to 3-1. Gallos Negros drop to 1-2. [References: 1-1b]

Week / Semana 6 Recap

Raptors EdoMex inflicted the first defeat of the season on Dinos Saltillo, winning by 28-27 in the Jurassic Duel. The close win put Raptors in fourth place on 3-2 and left Dinos Saltillo still in first on 5-1. Mexicas CDMX were third after a 16-11 victory over Gallos Negros Queretaro. The victory left Mexicas CDMX on 3-2 like Raptors EdoMex, and pushed Gallos Negros back to 1-3 and needing a miracle to qualify for the playoffs. In the other match Fundidores Nuevo Leon defeated Galgos Tijuana to go 4-1 in second place and leaving Galgos still needing their first win on 0-5. [References: 1-1b]

Week / Semana 2 Rescheduled Recap

A rescheduled game over the Easter weekend saw Reyes Jalisco gain a second victory in their debut season with a 19-12 victory at Gallos Negros Queretaro. [References: 1-1b]

Week / Semana 7 Recap

Dinos Saltillo (5-1) were assured of the Regular Season title and a bye into the Semi-Finals after arch rival from Nuevo Leon, Fundidores Nuevo Leon, lost 35-24 at Reyes Jalisco (3-3) in a shock result. Fundidores (4-2) were still assured of second place and a bye into the Semi-Finals also. Joining Fundidores on 4-2 were Mexicas CDMX, the Capital City team winning 30-22 at expansion team Galgos Tijuana who finished 0-6 and out of the playoffs; and Raptors EdoMex, the team from Naucalpan in Mexico State (Estado de Mexico) where the Irish Institute School is based, who won 28-19 at Gallos Negros Queretaro, who also qualified for the Playoffs in sixth position. [References: 1-1b]

LFA Playoffs Preview

The First Round of Playoffs pits #3 Mexicas CDMX (4-2) at home to #6 Gallos Negros Queretaro (1-5) and #4 Raptors EdoMex (4-2) at home to #5 Reyes Jalisco (3-3). The first match looked like it should be a formality earlier in the season for Mexicas, who defeated the much improved Gallos Negros 16-11 in Week 6 at home in Estadio “Pallillo”, but with the three expansion teams improving each week it is no longer a certainty they shall win. Likewise Raptors EdoMex, who defeated Reyes Jalisco, another expansion team, 13-10 at Gualajara in Week 1, cannot count on victory in the second game, with Reyes Jalisco becoming the first expansion team to defeat a pre-covid team in the last week of the season when they shocked Fundidores 35-24. The winners shall meet either #1 Dinos Saltillo (5-1) or #2 Fundidores (4-2) in the Semi-Finals with the winners of those games meeting on 21 May in Estadio Caliente to decide Tazon Mexico V (Mexico Bowl V) Champions. [References: 1-1b]

Playoffs Round 1

Raptors EdoMex won through to another Semi-Final with a 26-6 defeat of Reyes Jalisco while Gallos Negros Queretaro continued to improve with a 14-7 win at Mexicas CDMX. [References: 1-1b]


Gallos Negros Queretaro reached the Tazon Mexico (Mexico Bowl) in the debut season, after a close 27-20 victory over Dinos Saltillo in the Semi-Finals. Fundidores Nuevo Leon won the right to play them in Tazon Mexico V with a 30-27 defeat of Raptors EdoMex. [References: 1-1b]

Tazon Mexico V (Mexico Bowl V)

Marcelo González opened the scoring for Fundidores Monterrey with an 11 yard run in the first quarter for a 6-0 lead (the Point After Touchdown was missed). Jason Smith recovered a fumble for a touchdown in the second quarter and with Alberto Gonzalez kicking the PAT Queretaro Black Roosters were leading 7-6 before the Smelters recovered the lead through a Field Goal to leave Monterrey 9-7 up at Halftime.

In the third quarter the Black Roosters’ Quarterback Marco Garcia sneaked into the endzone to make it 14-9 to Queretaro after another successful PAT. Monterrey again took the lead when Brandon Calzoncit ran in for a TD, but again the PAT was missed to leave Monterrey 15-14 up. Fundidores sealed the victory and their first ever Mexico Bowl with a Field Goal in the fourth quarter to leave the Final score Fundidores Monterrey 18 Gallos Negros Queretaro 14. [References: 2]

Map of Mexico Showing LFA 2022 Team Locations

Map of LFA Mexico Teams 2022
Mexico map and flag – highly detailed vector illustration

[13] 123RF (2022) Mexico map and flag – highly detailed vector illustration Image ID: 78267524 Copyright: dikobrazik [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_78267524_mexico-map-and-flag-highly-detailed-vector-illustration.html?vti=o7a7x8rghuckf7jo01-1-64 [Accessed 9 January 2022]


The 2022 Liga de Futbol Americano (Mexico) kicks off its sixth season. First played in 2016 between four teams (Condors CDMX, Eagles CDMX, Mayas CDMX and Raptors EdoMex) with all four teams playing in a single Arena in Mexico City (CDMX – Ciudad de Mexico) [6, 9], the league has grown to a 10 team league in 2022 with the addidion of Reyes Jalisco (Jalisco State Kings) in Guadalajara and Galgos Tijuana (Tijuana Greyhounds) from Estado Baja California (Baja California State) [1] .

All four original teams have since moved or changed name, with Mayas currently playing in Puebla State, Condors moving for 2022 to Queretaro, Eagles changing their name to Mexicas in 2017 and Raptors EdoMex (Estado de Mexico – Mexico State), moving to Naucalpan in Estado de Mexico, where the Irish Institute is based. Mayas CDMX won Mexico Bowl I in 2016 and in 2017 there was the addition of Dinos Saltillo and Fundidores Monterrey (Monterrey Smelters) in Nuevo Leon, in the North near Texas. That year the league was again won by the Mayas [2,3].

In 2018 the league was won by Mexicas CDMX, one of two teams named after Native Mexican inhabitants (the other is the Mayas) [4,5]. 2019 saw the addition of yet two more teams: Artilleros Puebla (Puebla Gunners) and Osos Toluca (Toluca Bears), bringing the total to 8 teams. Condors CDMX won the Mexico Bowl (Tazon Mexico) and the Raptors EdoMex were beaten finalists for the third time in four years (Dinos Saltillo lost the Mexico Bowl in 2017) [7, 8]. 2020 was a difficult year, with the start of the covid pandemic, and despite the addition of a ninth team, Pioneros Queretaro, the league remained at 8 for the season due to Mayas sitting out.

The 2020 league was cancelled after 5 of 8 regular season weeks due to the pandemic [10,11] and in 2021 the Artilleros dropped down to the Futbol Americano de Mexico (FAM) League with the Mayas returning. The 2021 season, however, was cancelled in its entirety [12, 13] and for the 2022 season, despite the addition of the Galgos Tijuana and Reyes Jalisco, there shall be only seven teams playing, as Pioneros Queretaro drop back down to the Futbol Americano de Mexico (FAM) league and Artilleros Puebla, Osos Toluca and Mayas take a years break.

The 2022 season shall start on March 5th and there shall be seven rounds with each team playing six regular season games. Teams ranked 1 and 2 shall receive a bye to the Semi-Finals and the 3rd to 6th placed teams play in the Quarter-Finals, which begin on April 30th. Only one team shall not make the Playoffs with the Tazon Mexico V (Mexico Bowl V) being scheduled for May 15th. It remains to be seen whether the LFA shall play at all in 2022 having cancelled the last year and a half and with three teams sitting out the year [1].

Mexican American Football Stock Image

Mexican American Football Art
REFORMA AVENUE, MEXICO CITY – NOVEMBER, 13 2017. On the occasion of the match between Patriots and Raiders at the Aztec Stadium, the NFL organized the Ball Parade with 42 pieces of 32 mexican artists.

Item ID: 756572425

Photographic Contributor




[1] Liga de Futbol Americano (2022) Calendario 2022 [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/calendario-2022/ [Accessed 21 December 2021][Last Accessed 10 May 2022]
[1a] Liga de Futbol Americano (2022) Standings [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/standings [Last Accessed 9 May 2022]

[1b] Liga de Futbol Americano (2022) Home [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/ [Last Accessed 9 May 2022]

[1c] Liga de Futbol Americano (2022) Fundidores lights its flame at the Estadio Caliente for its first Championship in history [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/fundidores-enciende-su-llama-en-el-estadio-caliente-para-su-primer-campeonato-en-la-historia/ [Accessed 23 May 2022]

Preview References WEBSITES

[2] Liga de Futbol Americano Profesional (2018) LFPA Standings [Internet] Available from: http://lfa.mx/home/standings/ [Accessed 20 January 2018]

[3] Liga de Futbol Americano Profesional (2018) LFPA Calendario [Internet] Available from: http://lfa.mx/home/calendario/ [Accessed 14 April 2018]

[4] Liga de Futbol Americano Profesional (2018) LFPA Standings [Internet] Available from: http://lfa.mx/standings/ [Accessed 14 April 2018]

[5] Liga de Futbol Americano Profesional (2018) LFPA Calendario [Internet] Available from: http://lfa.mx/calendario/ [Accessed 14 April 2018]

[6] American Football International (2016) Mayas Win First Liga de Football Americano Championship Game In Mexico [Internet] available from: http://www.americanfootballinternational.com/mayas-win-first-liga-de-futboll-americano-championship-game-mexico/ [accessed 5 August 2018]

[7] LFA Mexico (2019) Standings [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/standings/ [Accessed 15 April 2019]

[8] LFA Mexico (2019) Calendario [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/calendario/[Accessed 13 May 2019]

[9] Liga de Futbol Americano Profesional (2016) LFPA Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20161106181310/http://lfa.mx/home/standings/ [Accessed 20 January 2018]

[10] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2020) Standings [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/standings-lfa-2020/ [Accessed 17 April 2020]

[11] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2020) Schedule [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/calendario-lfa-2020/ [Accessed 17 April 2020]

[12] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2020) #ESTOES LFA [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/ [Accessed 17 April 2020]

[13] Liga Football Americano Mexico / Cinthiya Garcia (2021) A postponement that hurts, but it’s for everyone’s sake [Internet] Available from: https://lfa.mx/una-postergacion-que-duele-pero-es-por-el-bien-de-todos/ [Accessed 18 May 2021]

Logo references

[14] Condors LFA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, March 5, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/CondorsLFA/photos/a.849000958532449/3650845258347991/ [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/156170347_3650845261681324_1343936098449651172_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=Off9afsir7EAX-eTVa5&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=f04cd67af1934cde5fc69f4926d00448&oe=61C2AF22 ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[15] Dinos LFA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, February 1, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/DinosLFA/photos/a.1098375663531454/3637578546277807/   [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/145511336_3637578549611140_188757273752279880_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=gSWRy8aB7dIAX8l8_-A&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=9500539ff6b65410d5e5042bddb44625&oe=61BFF0C5  ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[16] Fundidores LFA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 16, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=284974656970640&set=a.118343776967063    [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/256036343_284974650303974_2647505166117146873_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=b-G_cXZObkQAX_tB02t&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=aee3e57bf4fc4eae3a384a9ce5050a0c&oe=61A08B97  ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[17] Galgos Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 17, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/galgoslfa/photos/a.108310031666817/112983941199426/   [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at:  https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/252761059_112983937866093_8472956443678492315_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=NANmTB6vq5AAX-zWa67&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=b0f23b6874891577c5faf26db30252bf&oe=61A114EC ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[18] Mexicas LFA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 1, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/MexicasLFA/photos/a.1014327461963314/4687022084693815   [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/251123045_4687022081360482_3247634362025467080_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=OoUZYU6nZycAX82rjsY&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=ad2fe97e3b32c3ac9dcdb1129875a488&oe=619FAB45 ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[19] Raptors LFA Facebook (2021) Profile Picture, November 5, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/RaptorsLFA/photos/a.208212012844821/1597088927290449  [Accessed 22 November 2021][Actual Logo Reference at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/253731409_1597088923957116_2180559504148918797_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=yEYkH6g72yYAX-7NLr7&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=9adac1a0cf5bc5cdf94a6e4bb25fce68&oe=61A0089A  ][Accessed 22 November 2021]

[20] Reyes LFA (2021) Profile Picture, November 19, 2021 [Internet] Available from: https://www.facebook.com/ReyesLFA/photos/a.104544895379393/113206377846578 [Accessed 21 December 2021][Actual Image link available at: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/258195584_113206374513245_5663298235135969257_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&_nc_rgb565=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=zn-zaWl4W4gAX9YEBZR&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=00_AT_lNWqkZvrPIwTDFtz3FinayT6oF9lUkQJxBrNCq-bwzw&oe=61C6A29E   [Accessed 21 December 2021]

[21] Liga Football Americano Mexico (2019) LFA 2018 Logo [Internet] Available from: https://i1.wp.com/lfa.mx/2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/LFAlogonew.png?fit=734%2C734&ssl=1 %5BAccessed 1 August 2018]

Map Reference

[22] 123RF (2022) Mexico map and flag – highly detailed vector illustration Image ID: 78267524 Copyright: dikobrazik [Internet] Available from: https://www.123rf.com/photo_78267524_mexico-map-and-flag-highly-detailed-vector-illustration.html?vti=o7a7x8rghuckf7jo01-1-64 [Accessed 10 January 2022]/ LFA Team and Map Combined by Enda Mulcahy for Eirball.ie


Thanks to Caroline Mitchell & Francesco


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 23 May 2022

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021-2022

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

ONEFA Mexico Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes 2021

ONEFA Logo [References: 7]


ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo 2021

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Borregos TEC Monterrey3001.0001072384W3
2Borregos TEC CEM2100.667594910W1
3Pumas Acatlan UNAM2100.6675370-17W2
4Águilas Blancas IPN1100.500553718L1
5Leones Anáhuac México1200.3333472-38L2
6Borregos TEC Puebla0200.0002446-22L2
7Linces UVM0200.0002459-35L2

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde 2021

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Autenticos Tigres UANL2001.000801367W2
2Burros Blancos IPN2001.000563620W2
3Borregos TEC Toluca1100.500634815L1
4Pumas UNAM1100.50035350L1
5Borregos TEC Guadalajara0200.0003656-20L2
6Potros Salvajes UAEM0200.0001395-82L2

Schedule Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo

Schedule Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde


After three weeks in the 2021 ONEFA Conferencia 14 Grandes season, Borregos TEC Monterrey were the only undefeated team in the Rojo (Red) Division and both Autenticos Tigres UANL (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon) and Burros Blancos IPN (Instituto Politecnica Nacional) undefeated on 2-0 in the Verde (Green) Division.


The ONEFA College Football Championship is one of the highlights of the Mexican American Football season, and was considered the National Championship from 1933 until recently, with challengers both the breakaway CONADEIP College League (2013 onwards) and the Liga Football Americano Profesional (LFA Mexico), a Major Pro League (2016 onwards).

There are a number of different eras in the ONEFA Championship, with UNAM Pumas and Condores UNAM the most successful teams. The Conferencia 14 Grandes (Big 14 Conference) was established in 2021, a level about the Conferencia Nacional (National Conference). It is a merger of the ONEFA 10 Grandes and CONADEIP with the Technology Colleges which started CONADEIP now back in the ONEFA fold.

Royalty-free stock photo ID: 2076956458

Monterrey, Nuevo León, México – November 17, 2021: Entrance to the UANL Tiger’s soccer stadium (Estadio de Fútbol Tigres de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León)

Entrance to the Tigres UANL Stadium in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, MexicoF

By Forge Productions

References 2021

[1] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 1 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-1 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[2] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-2  [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[3] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Rojo Semana 3 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-rojo/semana-3 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[4] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 1 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-1 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[5] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-2 [Accessed 26 November 2021]

[6] ONEFA Oficial (2021) Categoria Liga Mayor Conferencia 14 Grandes Verde Semana 3 [Internet] Available from:  http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2021/liga-mayor/14-grandes-verde/semana-3 [Accessed 26 November 2021]



[7] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]


Thanks to Francesco


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball – Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 26 November 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

ONEFA Mexico Organizacion Nacional Estudiantil de Futbol Americano Under 15 2019

ONEFA Logo [References: 1]

Final Conference Standings

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia ITM 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2ONEFA IPN3001.00084678W3
3Baja California Sur3100.750452817W2
4ONEFA Toluca2100.667532726W2
6Ciudad Juarez1200.3332142-21L2
8Nuevo Leon0400.000654-48L4

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia Inalambrica 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2Quintana Roo3001.000602040W3
3ONEFA Norte2100.667601446L1

Playoff Schedule

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Playoffs 2019

Match Day Final
21 - 0


Match Day 3rd Place Playoff
(3rd Place Playoff)
15 - 0

Quintana Roo vs Chihuahua

Please click on the Final to view a brief Match Report

Conferencia ITM Schedule

Conferencia Inalambrica Schedule

Final Division Standings

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia ITM Division Norte 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2Baja California Sur3100.750452817W2
5Nuevo Leon0400.000654-48L4

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia ITM Division Oueste 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1ONEFA IPN3001.00084678W3
2ONEFA Toluca2100.667532726W2
3Ciudad Juarez1200.3332142-21L2

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia Inalambrica Division Este 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
2ONEFA Norte2100.667601446L1

ONEFA Mexico Under 15 Conferencia Inalambrica Division Sur 2019

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet PtsStreak
1Quintana Roo3001.000602040W3

Note: When viewing this article in some email applications the Standings and Schedule may not show up. In the event that this happens please click on the article title to be brought directly to the Eirball website where you can view the article in full.


With the Schedule running late due to the late arrival of Coahuila, the four divisions were merged into two conferences, with just the conference champions going forward to the Final. This left both Chihuahua and Quintana Roo bitterly disappointed, as having won all their games they were left to play in the consolation 3rd Place Playoff having lost out on Points Difference to ONEFA IPN and FADEMAC respectively. FADEMAC, the team from Estado de Mexico, won the Final 21-0 versus ONEFA IPN, the team from the National Polytechnic Institute. The Consolation Final was won by Quintana Roo 15-0 versus Chihuahua. The Irish Institute is based in Naucalpan, Estado de Mexico.

About ONEFA Under 15 Championship

ONEFA – Organizacion Nacional Estudiantil de Futbol Americano – is the leading National Organisation for American Football in Public Universities in Mexico. It includes not just University Football but also High School American Football in Mexico. The ONEFA Under 15 Championship features representative teams from each of the States and Regions represented in ONEFA, and the 2019 edition was held over three days in Merida, Yucatan.



[1] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]


[2] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 1 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/itm/semana-1/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[3] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/itm/semana-2/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[4] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 3 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/itm/semana-3/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[5] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 4 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/itm/semana-4/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[6] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 5 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/itm/semana-5/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[7] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 Inalambrica Semana 1 [Internet] Available from:  http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/inalambrica/semana-1/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[8] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 Inalambrica Semana 2 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/inalambrica/semana-2/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[9] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 Inalambrica Semana 3 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/inalambrica/semana-3/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[10] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 Inalambrica Semana 4 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/calendario/2019/under-15/inalambrica/semana-4/ [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[11] ONEFA Oficial (2019) Under 15 ITM Semana 5 [Internet] Available from: http://onefaoficial.org/cronica/b8f5ad6a-7b25-444d-8432-e3b37ebb4915  [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[12] ONEFA Oficial (2019) ONEFA – IPN the sown seed [Internet] Available from:  http://onefaoficial.org/cronica/b8f5ad6a-7b25-444d-8432-e3b37ebb4915 [Accessed 15 December 2019]

[13] Irish Institute Mexico (2018) Historia [Internet] Available from: https://www.irishmexico.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1309550&type=d&pREC_ID=1514019 [Accessed 29 April 2021]


Thanks to Dublin City Quetzals


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball – Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 6 October 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Standings and Playoffs 1991-1995

ONEFA Logo [References: 1]

ONEFA Liga Mayor 10 Grandes 1991

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1991

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet Pts
1Condores UNAM9001.00024194147
2Águilas Blancas IPN7200.77822469155
3Borregos-ITESM Monterrey7200.778246128118
4Tigres UANL7200.77821414866
5Osos UNAM5400.5561761706
6Centinelas CGP3600.333188203-15
7Cherokees AC3600.33394188-94
8Panteras Negras UAM2700.222128163-35
9Aguilas Reales UNAM2700.222130256-126
10Politecnico Blanco0900.000130256-126

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Playoffs 1991

ONEFA Liga Mayor 10 Grandes 1992

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1992

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet Pts
1Borregos-ITESM Monterrey8100.88924071169
2Centinelas CGP7200.77819990109
3Águilas Blancas IPN6300.66719313855
4Aztecas UDLA6300.66716214022
5Osos UNAM5400.556139150-11
6Condores UNAM4500.44411810810
7Tigres UANL4500.44497166-69
8Aguilas Reales UNAM3600.33397231-134
9Panteras Negras UAM1800.11183158-75
10Cherokees AC1800.11192168-76

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Playoffs 1992

ONEFA Liga Mayor 10 Grandes 1993

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1993

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet Pts
1Borregos-ITESM Monterrey8100.889328123205
2Aztecas UDLA8100.88929498196
3Águilas Blancas IPN6300.66720312182
4Condores UNAM6300.66719516134
5Centinelas CGP5400.556154176-22
6Osos UNAM4500.444190229-39
7Cherokees AC3600.333100249-149
8Tigres UANL2700.222156215-59
9Borregos ITESM-Laguna2700.222132201-69
10Aguilas Reales UNAM1800.11194273-179

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Playoffs 1993

ONEFA Liga Mayor 10 Grandes 1994

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1994

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet Pts
1Águilas Blancas IPN8100.889300133167
2Aztecas UDLA8100.88922915574
3Borregos-ITESM Monterrey7200.77823514590
4Condores UNAM6300.66718511768
5Borregos ITESM-Laguna4500.444166191-25
6Osos UNAM4500.444159220-61
7Pieles Rojas IPN3600.333134166-32
8Tigres UANL3600.33397191-94
9Centinelas CGP2700.222178195-17
10Cherokees AC0900.00087257-170

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Playoffs 1994

ONEFA Liga Mayor 10 Grandes 1995

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1995

PosTeamWLTPctPFPANet Pts
1Águilas Blancas IPN8100.889315180135
2Aztecas UDLA8100.889261142119
3Borregos-ITESM Monterrey7200.77823358175
4Condores UNAM6300.667215109106
5Pieles Rojas IPN5400.55617214626
6Osos UNAM4500.444172187-15
7Centinelas CGP3600.333137214-77
8Tigres UANL3600.333100261-161
9Borregos ITESM-Laguna1800.11165220-155
10Panteras Negras UAM0900.000130283-153

ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes Playoffs 1995

Match Day Semi-Finals
19 - 22

Aguilas Blancas IPN vs Condores UNAM

7 - 6

Aztecas UDLA vs Borregos-ITESM Monterrey

Match Day Finale 10 Grandes
(Finale 10 Grandes)
43 - 13

Aztecas UDLA vs Condores UNAM


Condores UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México) were the inaugural champions of the new Conferencia Diez Grandes winning 41-16 in the Finale versus Borregos Salvajes ITESM-Monterrey (ITESM-Monterrey White Rams). The Condores had gone through the regular season with a perfect 9-0 record.

The 1992 season saw ITESM-Monterrey shocked in the Semi-Finals 3-33 by Aguilas Blancas IPN (Instituto Politecnico Nuevo) as the White Eagles went on to defeat Centinelas IGP 17-13 in the Finale.

Borregos ITESM-Monterrey regained the title in 1993 with a 20-13 victory over Aguilas Blancas IPN in the Finale after topping the regular season standings for the third year in succession.

The Rams repeated in 1994, although only after being knocked off the top of the standings by Aztecas UDLA (Puebla) who were defeated by the Rams 17-10 in the Finale.

Aztecas got revenge in 1995, however, defeating ITESM-Monterrey 7-6 in a close Semi-Final before triumphing 43-13 over Condores UNAM in the Finale. Condores had defeated Aguilas Blancas IPN, the Regular Season Champions, 22-19 in the Semi-Finals.

About ONEFA Liga Mayor Conferencia de los 10 Grandes

The ONEFA College Football Championship is one of the highlights of the Mexican American Football season, and was considered the National Championship from 1933 until recently, with challengers both the breakaway CONADEIP College League (2013 onwards) and the Liga Football Americano Profesional (LFA Mexico), a Major Pro League (2016 onwards).

There are a number of different eras in the ONEFA Championship, with UNAM Pumas and Condores UNAM the most successful teams. The Conferencia Diez Grandes (Big 10 Conference) was established in 1991, a level about the Conferencia Nacional (National Conference). It lasted until 2000 when the National Conference was merged with the Big 10 and divided into three regional Conferences with Quarter-Finals to Final Playoffs.



[1] ONEFA (2020) ONEFA Logo [Internet] Available from: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/PpcJl5QlfPoMSO4T5EdZd4ou8LwusCaoqw0_cjYcC2_CTplUWHkQJTa9S-DKMPI-FrkqeXFWoppz6Rha95yr [Accessed 11 May 2020]


[2] El Futbol Americano en la UNAM (2002) Historia [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20021017160349/http://www.geocities.com/~hl-mx/ [Accessed 28 April 2019]

[3] ONEFA (2003) Historia | Major Conference (Big 10) Champions [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20030816040806fw_/http://www.onefa.org:80/historia/mayor/histmaye.htm [Accessed 20 May 2018]

[4] Historia del Futbol Americano en Mexico (2002) Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1991-1995 [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20021017160349/http://www.geocities.com/~hl-mx/ [Otras Temporadas][Conferencia de los 10 Grandes 1991-1995] [Accessed 20 December 2012]


Thanks to Francesco


Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball – Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 4 September 2021

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2021

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved. The Logos and Photos used in this article remain the property of the organisations and individuals which own the copyright and are used here for educational and information purposes only.

Tazon Azteca Mexican College Football All-Star Bowl 1947-Present

Tazon Azteca XLI 2014 Logo [Reference: 6]


BowlDateMexican TeamUS Team
Military Bowl Game
I19.12.1947Mexico All-Stars24Randolph Field Air Base19
II11.12.1948Mexico All-Stars26San Diego Marines33
College Division Bowl
III17.12.1949Mexico All-Stars6Trinity University52
IV23.12.1950Mexico All-Stars14Whittier Poets27
V22.12.1951Mexico All-Stars40Sul Ross State Lobos41
Military Bowl Game
VI20.12.1952Mexico All-Stars33Hamilton Air Force Base55
College Division Bowl
VII19.12.1953Mexico All-Stars45Eastern New Mexico Greyhounds26
VIII16.12.1957Mexico All-Stars20Wiley Wildcats78
IX28.11.1964Mexico All-Stars20California-Santa Barbara Gauchos7
All-Star Bowl Game
X14.12.1965Mexico All-Stars28San Diego Sabres6
College Division Bowl
XI13.12.1966Mexico All-Stars8Tarleton State Texans42
Junior College Bowl
XII10.12.1970Mexico All-Stars7Mesabi State Junior College6
College Division Bowl
XIII20.12.1971Mexico All-Stars9Navy Freshmen47
Division III Bowl
XIV09.12.1979Mexico All-Stars8Trinity (TX) Tigers0
Junior College Bowl
XV13.12.1980Mexico All-Stars28La Mesa Junior College17
Division III Bowl
XVI15.12.1984Mexico All-Stars22Tarleton State Texans15
XVII20.12.1986Mexico All-Stars8Washburn Ichabods27
XVIII14.12.1987Mexico All-Stars17Adams State Indians35
XIX10.12.1988Mexico All-Stars49Western New Mexico Mustangs21
XX09.12.1989Mexico All-Stars0SE Oklahoma State Savage Storm22
XXI12.12.1990Mexico All-Stars29Southern Arkansas Muleriders41
XXII15.12.1991Mexico All-Stars35SW Oklahoma State Bulldogs28
XXIII14.12.1992Mexico All-Stars14Arkansas-Monticello Boll weevils21
XXIV18.12.1993Mexico All-Stars34McMurray Indians20
XXV17.12.1994Mexico All-Stars24SE Oklahoma State Savages24
Military Bowl
XXVI19.12.1996Mexico All-Stars63Palermo Cardinals (Italy)8
All-Star Bowl
XXVII20.12.1997Mexico All-Stars41AFCA Division III All-Stars42
XXVIII12.12.1998Mexico All-Stars13AFCA Division III All-Stars40
XXIX18.12.1999Mexico All_Stars13AFCA Division III All-Stars44
XXX16.12.2000Mexico All-Stars26AFCA Division III All-Stars27
XXXI15.12.2001Mexico All-Stars5AFCA Division III All-Stars37
XXXII14.12.2002Mexico All-Stars9AFCA Division III All-Stars15
XXXIII13.12.2003Mexico All-Stars34AFCA Division III All-Stars31
XXXIV11.12.2004Mexico All-Stars3AFCA Division III All-Stars23
XXXV17.12.2005Mexico All-Stars15AFCA Division III All-Stars53
XXXVI17.12.2006Mexico All-Stars7AFCA Division III All-Stars28
XXXVII08.12.2007Mexico All-Stars19AFCA Division III All-Stars37
XXXVIII05.12.2009Mexico All-Stars42Central Methodist Eagles17
XXXIX10.12.2011ONEFA All-Stars14Division II/III All American Eagles28
XL14.12.2012ONEFA All-Stars26Division II/III All American Eagles49
XLI29.11.2014ONEFA All-Stars21Division II/III All American Eagles24
XLII05.12.2015ONEFA All-Stars17Division II/III All American Eagles14
XLIII09.12.2016ONEFA All-Stars27Division II/III All American Eagles19
International Bowl
XLIV09.12.2017ONEFA All-StarsEurope Warriors
Aztec Bowl (Mexico All-Stars v US College Team) 1947-Present [Reference: 1-3]

Results 2018-Present

XLV2018ONEFA All-Stars17CONADIEP All-Stars10
XLVI29.11.2019ONEFA All-StarsCONADIEP All-Stars
Aztec Bowl (ONEFA All-Stars v CONADIEP All-Stars) 2018-Present [Reference: 4-5]


The Tazon Azteca (Aztec Bowl) is the highlight of the Mexican American Football season, pitting Mexican & ONEFA College All-Stars against an American College All-Star (or sometimes just an American College or Miltary) Team.

It has been played since 147, and the Mexican Team has won 17 times out of 43 up to 2016, for a 17-26 Record.

In 2017 it bacame a game between ONEFA All-Stars and Europe Warriors, and in 2018 between ONEFA All_Stars (Public Universities) and CONADIEP All-Stars (Private Universities).



[1] Tackleo.com | Wayback Machine (2010) Historia de Tazon Azteca [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20100121083247/http://www.tackleo.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=21&Itemid=96 [Accessed 9 February 2020]

[2] American Football International (2016) Aztec Bowl In Mexico Pits ONEFA All Stars And Team All America [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/aztec-bowl-mexico-pits-onefa-stars-team-america/ [Accessed 9 February 2020]

[3] American Football International (2016) Mexico’s ONEFA All Stars Defeat All American Eagles in Aztec Bowl XLIII [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/mexicos-onefa-stars-defeat-american-eagles-aztec-bowl-xliii/[Accessed 9 February 2020]

[4] American Football International (2016) Junior Europe Warriors set to play Aztec Bowl in Mexico [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/junior-europe-warriors-set-play-aztec-bowl-mexico/Accessed 9 February 2020]

[5] American Football International (2016) LIVESTREAM: Mexico – Tazon Azteca – ONEFA All Stars v. CONADEIP All Stars, Friday, Nov. 29, 7p, (8p ET, 2a Nov. 30, CET) [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/livestream-mexico-tazon-azteca-onefa-all-stars-v-conadeip-all-stars-friday-nov-29-7p-8p-et-2a-nov-30-cet/ Accessed 9 February 2020]


[6] American Football International (2016) Aztec Bowl 2014 Logo [Internet] Available from: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Aztec-Bowl-2014-logo.jpg [Accessed 9 February 2020]


Thanks to Francesco

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | North American & World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 1 November 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and World Gridiron Archive 2020

You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.